OK, Gents.....back to business...
Not everyone will be participating in the brewing/cubing of the Bummock, so I'm thinking to break-down the costs (ie. brewing costs/food/T-Shirts) & let everyone pay for what they actually want/use.
I reckon we've got enough interest to be able to cover the cost of producing a limited run of shirts @ about $20-$25 each for those who aren't participating in the brewing/cubing, but still want something to take away from the weekend (other than a hangover & some questionable memories.. :chug: ).
Having consulted

the stellar wisdom of your Hostess for the event, I've come-up with a cut-down version of the original plan thus:
Bummock* in the Bush!
Kinglake - 4th of July 2015
*Festive brewing of strong ale
...to the ending of the world,
We in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brewers;
For he today that sparges his wort with me
Shall be my brother..
And gentlemen now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap while any speaks
That brewed with us in Kinglake upon this day.
I'm currently tossing-up the idea of skipping the second stanza. There's no extra "cost-per-letter", it's just a once-off screen charge, so once it's established, it's done.