2010 Adelaide and Mildura Xmas Case Swap

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may I make a suggestion since there is only 19 swappers left but most have the 21 or whatever, so that leaves a extra for the host plus one more, two ideas for the remaining case is one year(many years ago) we auctioned of a case, in that instance the money went to charity, also many people donated spare glassware and the like for that auction case.
The money could also be saved to, I don't know, maybe pay for food for either this or a follow up event or any number of other ideas, maybe left a little late for this idea but I think we can make it happen still.
The other idea being the remaining case could go to a peoples choice winner by popular vote for whoever has the best beer to share on the night.

Just a couple ideas, shoot em down if you like or whatever.

if anyone wants to question the legality of auctioning of homebrew then go ahead give it your negative or paranoid best shot but in the end man come on do you think we are all gunna end up with any type of drama, pffft.
Either suggestion works for me Jayse, although I'd unfortunately be out of the Auction due to lack of funds.
Best beer on the night sounds good, maybe number on a slip of paper into the hat with a reasonable cut off time. i.e. before we are all wasted.
Us non swappers could dob in a gold coin or two or a bottle of something to ensure equity with those that made the effort to supply the prize.
Money to be used for a worthwhile cause.
Perhaps two or three bottles at random (lucky-dip style) from the extra case to fund the label comp?
Do people normally crack open the case swapped bottles on the day/night?

We could use the spare bottles for tasting so people can decide whether to
store away the swapped bottles or drink in the near term?

Good idea's above Jayse.

Some of the swap beers wont be ready (read: carbed up) to drink on the night. Or at least I know mine wont be!
Do people normally crack open the case swapped bottles on the day/night?

We could use the spare bottles for tasting so people can decide whether to
store away the swapped bottles or drink in the near term?


I was thinking the same thing...

But I like the idea of the highest bidder or best beer on the day...
Good idea's above Jayse.

Some of the swap beers wont be ready (read: carbed up) to drink on the night. Or at least I know mine wont be!

Will yours be bottled by Saturday?

I've got 2 dozen longnecks as well as some stubbies of my swap beer. I was going to give the spares away to fellow brewers not in the swap (yes Jayse, yr name was on 1 of them) but I'm happy with the other ideas if everyone else is. We will need to sort out something to eat. I can survive on beer alone but the way I felt yesterday & this morning suggests that I probably shouldn't.

Is anyone bringing wives or girlfriends? Mrs Hatchy will be here (as far as I know) & speaks beer geek about as well as I do but would probably like to be able to talk to other girls about whatever it is that girls talk about.
Us non swappers could dob in a gold coin or two or a bottle of something to ensure equity with those that made the effort to supply the prize.
That sounds good, I am sure all us non swappers can come up with a bottle or something for the extra case, the time we did the auction the extra case had allsorts of goodies in it, a stripper inside a giant hooch cake and all ;) That would sort out the food aswell as same female conversation for Mrs Hatch :lol:
Is anyone bringing wives or girlfriends? Mrs Hatchy will be here (as far as I know) & speaks beer geek about as well as I do but would probably like to be able to talk to other girls about whatever it is that girls talk about.
I just updated the article with my address & mobile number for the blokes that haven't been here before. If yr coming to my place from Richmond Rd & see a dip sign then slow down, the sign isn't joking!
Not sure yet if I can make the day for long but the beer is ready to swap for sure. Will bring/send along a full 24...some will be cold to enjoy on the day, and it will be enjoyed even if I do say so myself :icon_drool2:
Weather is predicated to be just below 30. Which will be quite pleasant. Hatchy, Can I swing by sometime after 8 on Thursday with my keg fridge? I wont have time on Friday...

Only 4 more sleeps!
If anyone can't make it Saturday & wants to drop their beers off on Friday then I'll be home making up for last Saturdays aborted brewday.

Edit for Phil, I'll find out what time indoor cricket is & let you know.
Alas I'm out :angry: :angry:
Between employers and families, I don't think I'll have time to bottle
Sorry guys, I was really looking forward to this :(
I'll be bringing along enough food and beer to cater for myself at least 5 times over. I'll be pushing to get the bbq fired up asap.

Will bring a CO2 bottle with a few extra lines on it so others can hook their kegs up to it as well as a spare picnic tap. I'll try to remember to bring along a few mercury thermometers for those who would like to calibrate theirs against them.

I plan on bottling my beer on Friday night, still debating whether to keg it, gas it and CPBF or bulk primed it and try my hand at bottle conditioning if i can remember how to do it :unsure:

Happy to contribute extra beers to a pool to be auctioned off (as well as a few for the host). Money to charity sounds fine.

As with other swaps having a plan for dinner would also be a good idea. I'd suggest getting some pizza delivered in as by then i doubt many with be up for cooking and I know from past experiences that a lack of food is not a good thing. I'm not a uni student anymore with the eating is cheating philosophy and would rather not be passed out in my swag at 8pm......

Looking forward to this. Am crash chilling the keg beer now and the homegrown cascade is going to surprise a few people. :icon_cheers:
I definately like the idea of firing up the BBQ as early as possible, if we've got enough dead things I can get the 2nd BBQ going. I have a webber but don't have any heat beads or whatever it is that you use for a webber, if anyone wants to use it then it's there but bring heat beads or firestarters or whatever it is that makes a webber work.

There's a few good pizza places near me so pizza later on sounds good.

I'd like to see how far our my thermometer is. After last Saturdays drunken attempt at a brewday I'd prefer to calibrate in hot water rather than in a mash.

Will Raven be rocking up still in his whites? Will he have enough zinc cream for everyone?
Will Raven be rocking up still in his whites? Will he have enough zinc cream for everyone?

I will be a tad later unless something unusual happens on Sat, last week was called off hence a 1 dayer this week meaning a longer game.

Its been a while since I last had a 'white' night. Its tempting, but to err on the side of caution, I will shower first!

Planning on dropping off my kegs, and at least 3 swappers beers Sat morning if ok Hatch?

I am bottling Fri night also! Bottle conditioned mine shall be.
Saturday morning or any time Friday is fine with me.
I am not a 100% to make it now, trying desperately to get out of a gig, funnily enough being the Adelaide and Mildura case swap my gig is in Mildura, kinda amusing but mainly a pain in the arse.
Apparantly I have known about it for sometime, ******** I reckon no one told me untill yesterday, still, will know by the end of the day hopefully if I can get myself out of it, I am pretty hopefull.