Piss off or Buy Me A Beer
It's not looking good jlm

looking at the list looks like only 20 brewers upto date and attending at this point ... come on guys cough up ....
you should know by now if your in or out ...
I got the prawns yesterday ...
not long now ...
I still have hope. My ass is way better than that.It's not looking good jlm
I'll most likely be heading down from The 'Roy early on the sat, aiming for a set off time of around 8-8:30. Will be heading down via Kilcoy, onto the Bruce at Caboolture, then down the Gateway or Pacific Motorway to Craftbrewer to pick up grain, then down to Sqyre's. Anyone needing a lift PM me if you're not too far off the beaten track....
No baskets anymore henno... You have to go electronic or do the dial them up and pay the toll in advance or 36 hours after your "pass".Or you could put some coins in the little basket.
Thanks guys, have had an e-toll for pretty much the entire time I've been in QLD. Makes it so much faster and quicker (assuming no farking traffic jams!), and more direct on a trip like this
Henno - believe you will be sent a bill in the post (about 40% higher than having an e-toll, or go-via, or whatever the hell they've renamed it!!!), they take a nice photo of your number plates I think!