2008 Nsw Xmas Case

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They all sound tasty, Les, even at this time of the morning ;) but the Dampfbier would be the most interesting for me.

So, no change from last time then, kabooby. :ph34r: :lol:
Dammit time gets away quickly.

Was thinking of going the easy drinking beer for summer like maybe a pilsener or an australian lager (POR all the way). My yeast starter has been a bit sluggish to fire up (old yeast) so I'm a bit behind the 8 ball. Hmmm, I will need to have a back up plan in case said brews aren't ready in time. Backup.... maybe an old ale or a porter....

Have we decided on a case swap date yet? December would be good (I need more time!)

All this and a baby due in less than 2 weeks.
Well, how about making the swap date Saturday 6th December? Anybody got anything against that?

FGZ suggested a park but I'm not sure about laying out hundreds of bottles by the swings. :rolleyes: My apartment may just be too small. Anybody able and willing to host this time around? :)
Well, how about making the swap date Saturday 6th December? Anybody got anything against that?

FGZ suggested a park but I'm not sure about laying out hundreds of bottles by the swings. :rolleyes: My apartment may just be too small. Anybody able and willing to host this time around? :)

Date fine by me. I thought a park setting good if we decide to add a BBQ to the agenda and cos some of you have to bring families (I'll probably get a few drunks from Wollongong & beyond !). I can recommend several good places IN THE ILLAWARRA but that's probably a bit hard for Tony & fellow HAGS. I thought maybe some of you Sydneysiders could recommend somewhere with a large pavilion and a carpark very close by that we can takeover for the day. San Souci has some on the bay - anywhere on the Parramatta River / George's River worth while going too ? Think men, think !

(I also thought that cos Gavin's not in the swap and we can't use his place .. though maybe we should ask him .. niceley like !)
Just proved my own point about brewing early to ensure a good brew. After brew # 1 I had 32 bottles. Tasted a second bottle today and this beer is clearly 3rd class. No expert but I reckon it has a "high alcohol" - excessive fusel type taste. It's the sort of thing I've tasted in belgiums but clearly not a favourite in a APA style brew. Its not ridiculously bad - it is drinkable - but not good enough. Lucky the town drunks who take all my excess beers - 30 bottles coming their way tonight. They have no idea about what I tell them is wrong with the beer - they love it cos its free and they know I won't poison them.

Have put down a strong APA style (OG 1.060+) (best efficiency ever I got - don't really know why, just acccept what happened) which is rocketing away on a US 05 yeast cake. I'm hoping similiar doesn't happen (fermenting at too high a temperature the likely cause).

Putting down a dunkelweisen next as my emergency fallback. Love those dunkelweizens, now .. how do I brew one ????????
Good to know you're saving our heads from fusels, FGZ. :icon_cheers:

I flip-flopped back to a Saison which was made yesterday and should be starting to bubble away as I type. I'm using the 3711 yeast which should be a bit quicker than the standard saison yeast to finish so will know in a couple of weeks if mine's a tipper too. :rolleyes:
Mine is done...... waiting for time to bottle. Will get to that through the week.

It has a huge Rye character, as it should, and the spicy yeast character compliments it well.

The oily texture of the beer is slowing down the clearing rate but it will get there.

Cant wait to see what people think.

As for the date...... im free as far as i can see....... Who's turn to run down from the hunter this time?

I flip-flopped back to a Saison which was made yesterday and should be starting to bubble away as I type. I'm using the 3711 yeast which should be a bit quicker than the standard saison yeast to finish so will know in a couple of weeks if mine's a tipper too. :rolleyes:
Yummm SAISON! :icon_drool2:
I developed a taste for the stuff over the weekend after trying Saison Dupont Biologique and Saison Dupont Vieille Provision in a session. Awesome stuff and would love to try some more... :icon_cheers:
Only one word for it..... sorry to those easily offended


Just went and poured a bit from my beer to see if it was clear enough to bottle.

It tasted a bit sour so i cracked the lid and it has the nasty white scum on top and smells like solvent

Sorry folks im out............ no brewing another........... no more case swaps for me.

Lets see if i can stuff the HAG one too. If i do i will scream.

my spot is now open

Bugger, Tony, I was looking forward to trying one of your beers.

Have a pause before you abort though, there's still plenty of time :)



edit punctuation
That's a shame Tony :(

Pitched the yeast on mine yesterday afternoon and it was off and running this morning.

Kabooby :)
(I also thought that cos Gavin's not in the swap and we can't use his place .. though maybe we should ask him .. niceley like !)

Stayed out of this one Ian coz I look being away most of January (currently Syd - Adl - Mel - Tas - Mel - Syd in 4 weeks!!!!), didn't really want to have all these lovlies hanging around for a month before I got to them.

However that might not preclude me hosting the swap, particularly given I haven't hosted any ISB stuff this year, being the slacker that I am. I'll check with the minister, stay tuned.
Dude... I hope you get on top of whatever this is soon, just for your sake alone. As for your earlier comment, I should be home if the date is going to be the 6th, I'm happy to make the run down with the HAG contingent and be the HAG rep this time round.
I echo my pool buddy schooey's sentiments that you can find and fix your infection issue, Tony, tho I may be a bit more selfish than him. I was awaiting your beer with eager anticipation.

I still haven't brewed my eisbock, so unless I pull my finger out and get something down soon, it might be a Summer Ale from me instead of the challenge beer. With Tony out now, I suppose... gah, I suppose I made a promise to the case brothers, so it will probably be an eisbock for January conumption.
Bummer... was looking forward to trying your rye Tony. Hopefully you can find the source of the infection...

My second attempt is currently in the fermenter.... glad I rigged up a blow off tube - the yeast has gone bezerk. Hopefully should have a nice easy drinking hefe for you all.

So I guess loftboy is next in line. You ready to step in, loftboy? :D
Wont be brewing another. Im so bloody disheartened.

I think i have some sort of wild yeast in the air in my garage because the same thing grows on the jug sitting on the fridge that i spurt the first hot squirt from the tap into each arvo.

Sorry folks, im definatly out.

The malt half dozen beers i have made have been fantastic! Noy this.

About $80 worth of beer to the drain tonight.

Wont be brewing another. Im so bloody disheartened.

I think i have some sort of wild yeast in the air in my garage because the same thing grows on the jug sitting on the fridge that i spurt the first hot squirt from the tap into each arvo.

Sorry folks, im definatly out.

The malt half dozen beers i have made have been fantastic! Noy this.

About $80 worth of beer to the drain tonight.

What a bloody shame! Sorry to hear about that Tony.
Sounded like a really promising beer too!
What a bloody shame! Sorry to hear about that Tony. Sounded like a really promising beer too!

Too right Muggus. Yes, not gunna piss in your pocket Tony, but I reckon I speak for all when I say the case swap is the worse for not having you there. Sort this thing out cos I refuse to have future swaps without you :rolleyes: I'm sure your frustration knows no bounds .. your brewing brethren here on AHB do genuinely feel for you.

That said, Loftboy .. please tell us your ready to take up the challenge !