I thought I was casting a smaller shadow ... till I went into the light !
Crozdog, you are probably well in advance of me. As previously stated, I've had a run of poor beers. Have 40l of rainwater which I'll use tomorrow and see if it was the overtreated town water supply that was the fault. If not, then I have several last minute alternatives.
1. Fresh Wort kit
2. Buy several boxes of Coopers stout, soak off label and replace lids.
3. Cobble together 28 bottles from my cellar library.
I'll also be back to square one as to why my last brews all have suffered similiar fates. I have used different fermenters, mash tuns, cleaning regimes and read the entrials of several slaughtered chickens and still it persists. Even the straight K & K I made that didn't touch my boiler had the same fate, so that ruled the keggle out. Only common denominators is me and the water, so naturally I'll blame the water. I'm not hard to replace - a baby rhino was born in Sydney Zoo recently that looks a close substitute.