You Know You're A Dedicated Homebrewer When...

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Ironically, I saw this yesterday afternoon as I was driving to Craftbrewer to pick up my ingedients to make an IPA.

"It's a sign!", I thought, "I'm on a mission from God!"

It's currently mashing...spooky.

...responding to your own post feels weird.

I saw one the other night, think it was "IPA 068". My thoughts were "6.8%... sounds about right"
Your 11yo daughter and 9yo son want to take a sip of your beer at dinner to see who can guess correctly what style of beer it is.
And they both argue over who will be 'filling' and who will be 'assisting' on bottling day.
.... you start planning what type of beer might best be enjoyed 6 months from now...
....when your $40,000 boat becomes a holding vessel for tallies and empty kegs.

.....when your fishing tackle room in the shed is renamed "the brewroom" and $700 rods are displaced from their home to make room for 1 more fermentation fridge.

.......when you decide another freezer is needed to house hops.

.........when you go to the bar and it takes 5 minutes to decide which one of the 6 kegs you should start on.

...........when the Mrs actually understands.

:chug: :kooi:
Your garden is "mulched" entirely with grain.

Your washing machine runs a full cycle just for a single hop bag.

You crack the ***** when you go to a free-piss function and it's Corona.

You have a near mental breakdown when you find out your missus used your brew spoon to stir spaghetti.

You nearly lose your dog to the RSPCA after the yelling you gave her from farting near the fermenter just when you were about to seal it up.
You agree to attend a research marketing meeting for the $70 just so you can get more brewing stuff
cant post on forums now.. busy brewing.

crap the rapture is here! lol

Your not dedicated you cant brew and type on AHB while looking up shiny things and recipes. Just keep a eye on boil overs :p
...when SWMBO starts explaining the origins of IPA to her workmates due to the amount of subliminal learning she receives from your constant beer-ramblings.
.................When youve been a member of a home brewing forum for 9 months and your post count is 1157 because you ask a lot of questions.... :D

Um, just doing the maths...that's around 4 posts/day.... :icon_cheers: !
When ya take SWMBO to the LHBS! I tried to tell her it was a sacred site!
dont have to do math click on the profile and it will tell you :p and thats 4.17 :p
When ya take SWMBO to the LHBS! I tried to tell her it was a sacred site!

I took SWMBO to Absolute Homebrew a while ago, she had the ***** and got huffy.
Up until she saw the AirStill stuff and proceeded to write a Christmas wishdemand-list.
.................When youve been a member of a home brewing forum for 9 months and your post count is 1157 because you ask a lot of questions.... :D
Or you post a keg load of know who you are :eek:
. . . you starsan your lips before you kiss your fermenter goodnight.
. . . you starsan your lips before you kiss your fermenter goodnight.

LOL...When Ive got a brew in the ferementer my wife always says.."Aren't you going to go and check on the baby before you go to bed" :p
when you make chicken stock. and you give it a protein rest, and crash chill it to remove the break
LOL...When Ive got a brew in the ferementer my wife always says.."Aren't you going to go and check on the baby before you go to bed" :p

i always do this

my missus used to say to me shhh baby sleeping, at night when i used to brew in the kitchen
that was almost 10 years ago now

cheers: HBK