When To Add Ployclar

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Just wait till you've hit terminal gravity. Add the polyclar. Let it sit for 24-48 hrs. Then package. Simple.
I add gelatine at the beginning of cold conditioning to settle the yeast out first, then add the Polyclar a few days (or week or so with a lager) to settle out the polyphenols / chill haze. Gelatine and Polyclar work by attracting shyte electrostatically to their molecules and they work the opposite charge to each other (not sure which one's + or - ). So you can't use them together. I prefer to drop the serious stuff (yeast) first, then the less serious stuff (polyphenols) last.
To clarify... what i do is this;

Ferment in primary as normal
When at final gravity crash chill to 1C for 48hrs to 7 days
Add polyclar (usually dry straight into primary)
24hrs later gravity filter to keg

I get diamond bright beers with no chill haze

Polyclar doesn't HAVE to be added to cold beer. As outlined here by Thirsty Boy;

No, the haze does not have to form for polyclar to work.

Polyclar removes the tannin portion of the complex between tannins and protiens that forms cold break - it works at any temperature you care to name. It seems to work faster in cold beer... But that's for when you need a contact time in the minutes, if for instance you are a big brewery dosing the stuff inline to a filter.

If you give it more time than a minute or two... Like 10 or 15, or an hour... Then it still works perfectly well. As demonstrated by polyclar brewbrite, where the pvpp portion is admirabhly able to do it's job in a kettle full of boiling wort.

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