Whats In The Glass (commercial)

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I think only aroun 90 IBU of bitterness can be disolved into solution in a beer.

I agree with your greater point (which I've removed) but I thought the 90IBU maximum figure usually presented was our perception threshold? And actual possible IBU was a fair bit higher than this? I agree that in solution there can only be 'x' IBU.

I wonder if my "163IBU" Pliny tribute in the fermenter comes close to this figure?

Baird Beer Temple Garden Yuzu Ale - Very interesting beer (although I do suspect this bottle may have seen better days). Not much going on in the aroma apart from some very nice malt notes (much thicker smelling than the colour suggests) and some very light fruitiness (but not citrus so I'm leaning towards an English yeast?). The flavour is very much reminiscent of yuzu - well, reminiscent of yuzu flavour as I've only ever had it in frozen yoghurt, never fresh. The bittering is quite strange, it is very forward but not entirely like any bitterness I've experienced in a beer - very much like actually biting citrus skin but there's no astringency so I'm guessing this doesn't come from the fruit itself (or is that only a problem if in the boil?). I really wish the fruitness here (bright, tart yet slightly spicy) was hop derived because I would put it in everything.

[EDIT: Actually, I've just returned to this beer after having to do SWMBO's bidding and there is a bit of zestiness in the aroma, might have been a little unfair above.]
Bum what did you think of the brew boys seeing double?

Brew Boys Seeing Double - To be honest I had no idea what this was when I bought it. I've looked at it in Slowbeer the last few times I've been there and considered it but ultimately didn't get because I didn't know if it was a style I liked (doesn't really say on the bottle, though there are hints I guess [EDIT: Or, if I had looked the little writing printed in a circle around the label, it does actually say what it is but, I mean come on!, how am I supposed to read that from all the way up on the top shelf?!]). This time I just bought it after having gotten Brew Boy's Ace Of Spades last time and enjoyed it. Looked up their webpage when I got it home and it turns out it is a Wee Heavy. I've only ever had one Wee Heavy before and frankly I wasn't impressed with it - True South's Wee Jimmy, it was definitely a palatable beer but it seemed very safe to me. This one? Oh man! Extremely full on by comparison. The aroma is quite smokey (but not up to Schlenkerla levels), sweet malt and sherberty (sorry, I have no better word for this). The smoke flavour is not as prominent as the aroma suggest, instead, the peat is throwing very forward scotch type flavours (yes I know smoke can be a scotch flavour but I just mean more of a general "scotchiness"). There seems to be a lot going on under this scotch flavour but I can't isolate it any more finely than a complex malt character (I'm a complete n00b to the style so I've got no real frame of reference). There is a real mouth numbing quality to the warm alc in this one and it is much more pleasant than that might sound to some. No real hop character to speak of but I understand this is in style(?).

This is a really nice beer and has me jamming a Wee Heavy into the to brew list somewhere. I don't suppose anyone has come across a recipe for something akin to this one?

[EDIT: Oops, wrong pic. I hope none of you guys saw my penis!]

Liefmans Goudenband - Aroma is very much akin to a sharper but less sweet smelling Lindemanns fruit lambic. Getting slightly worried at this point as I bought it on recommendation from a retailer after asking for something similar to Rodenbach Grand Cru. In terms of flavour it is most definitely in the same style as the Rodenbach but not the same league, IMO. This is noticeably rougher around the edges and not quite as sour/tart. It is nice but I suspect I might be enjoying it more had I not had the Rodenbach so recently.

[EDIT: Oh man! I just realised the cat totally photobombed me. Bitch!]
[EDIT: Oh man! I just realised the cat totally photobombed me. Bitch!]

I look forward to the spotting your cat now. Reminds me of one that tolerated me when I was a younger.


I hate you. Also, I want to know your Danish friend as that is amazing.

Just received the following as a trade with a guy in Denmark

Cantillon Blbr Lambik
Cantillon 50N-4E
Chimay Dore
Mikkeller Special Series Cherry Alive
Beer Here Dark Hops
Berliner Kindl Weisse
Beer Here Kriekselikroxen
Bgedal Nr. 0100
Xbeeriment Den Sure Trkanon
lfabrikken Porter
De Molen Pek & Veren (Tar & Feathers)
Hoppin Frog Bodacious Black & Tan
Amager Hr. Frederiksen

Brew Boys Seeing Double - To be honest I had no idea what this was when I bought it. I've looked at it in Slowbeer the last few times I've been there and considered it but ultimately didn't get because I didn't know if it was a style I liked (doesn't really say on the bottle, though there are hints I guess [EDIT: Or, if I had looked the little writing printed in a circle around the label, it does actually say what it is but, I mean come on!, how am I supposed to read that from all the way up on the top shelf?!]). This time I just bought it after having gotten Brew Boy's Ace Of Spades last time and enjoyed it. Looked up their webpage when I got it home and it turns out it is a Wee Heavy. I've only ever had one Wee Heavy before and frankly I wasn't impressed with it - True South's Wee Jimmy, it was definitely a palatable beer but it seemed very safe to me. This one? Oh man! Extremely full on by comparison. The aroma is quite smokey (but not up to Schlenkerla levels), sweet malt and sherberty (sorry, I have no better word for this). The smoke flavour is not as prominent as the aroma suggest, instead, the peat is throwing very forward scotch type flavours (yes I know smoke can be a scotch flavour but I just mean more of a general "scotchiness"). There seems to be a lot going on under this scotch flavour but I can't isolate it any more finely than a complex malt character (I'm a complete n00b to the style so I've got no real frame of reference). There is a real mouth numbing quality to the warm alc in this one and it is much more pleasant than that might sound to some. No real hop character to speak of but I understand this is in style(?).

This is a really nice beer and has me jamming a Wee Heavy into the to brew list somewhere. I don't suppose anyone has come across a recipe for something akin to this one?

[EDIT: Oops, wrong pic. I hope none of you guys saw my penis!]
A few of us had this on tap at the Wheaty a few weeks back. Reckon I inhaled half a glass before I took a sip. Very nice beer indeed.

Fasty, there really is more to this beer thing than making cheap Tooheys New. Give you 6 months and you will be talking like this. ( it is a good thing) :D
Bum what temp do you serve your beers at? They all seem like they are too cold and hazy??
With the exception of the Seeing Double above, I pour them all right from the fridge and take the picture immediately then wait until they are at an appropriate temperature to drink. For some reason SWMBO isn't keen on the ideal of keeping the milk at 8C?
Fair enough mate, I didnt realise you didnt have a dedicated beer fridge, what is swmbo thinking storing food and milk in a fridge which should be used for beer :lol:

Ive only recently turned my serving fridge up from 6*c to 10*c, I kept wondering why I was thinking my beers were sh*t at home but awesome whenever I took them to a mates place, obv the beer was warming up to the sweet spot on the drive over, I should have known better really :rolleyes:
Re we beer drinkers or wine tasters?? LOL ;)

Fasty - I bloody enjoy reading this thread, it has nothing to do with a snobbery you may asociate with wine. Putting a winking smiley at the end doesnt make it any less insufferable, please desist.
Re we beer drinkers or wine tasters?? LOL ;)

What a terrible shame your palate isnt educated enough to allow you to enjoy the wonderful flavours that beer can offer :p

Youre the one missing out mate!

Brew Boys Seeing Double - To be honest I had no idea what this was when I bought it. I've looked at it in Slowbeer the last few times I've been there and considered it but ultimately didn't get because I didn't know if it was a style I liked (doesn't really say on the bottle, though there are hints I guess [EDIT: Or, if I had looked the little writing printed in a circle around the label, it does actually say what it is but, I mean come on!, how am I supposed to read that from all the way up on the top shelf?!]). This time I just bought it after having gotten Brew Boy's Ace Of Spades last time and enjoyed it. Looked up their webpage when I got it home and it turns out it is a Wee Heavy. I've only ever had one Wee Heavy before and frankly I wasn't impressed with it - True South's Wee Jimmy, it was definitely a palatable beer but it seemed very safe to me. This one? Oh man! Extremely full on by comparison. The aroma is quite smokey (but not up to Schlenkerla levels), sweet malt and sherberty (sorry, I have no better word for this). The smoke flavour is not as prominent as the aroma suggest, instead, the peat is throwing very forward scotch type flavours (yes I know smoke can be a scotch flavour but I just mean more of a general "scotchiness"). There seems to be a lot going on under this scotch flavour but I can't isolate it any more finely than a complex malt character (I'm a complete n00b to the style so I've got no real frame of reference). There is a real mouth numbing quality to the warm alc in this one and it is much more pleasant than that might sound to some. No real hop character to speak of but I understand this is in style(?).

This is a really nice beer and has me jamming a Wee Heavy into the to brew list somewhere. I don't suppose anyone has come across a recipe for something akin to this one?

[EDIT: Oops, wrong pic. I hope none of you guys saw my penis!]

Cheers mate, i cant say that i enjoyed it as much as you i found the alc. to "hot" after a couple of taste's i couldnt get alot of the underlying flavour.Im keen to try their other brews and will come back to this one in time mayby next time with a clean palate and not after drinking a few white rabbit white ales.
I also tried a couple of beard and braus and found they were undrinkable due to being overgassed, i was only left with about a quarter of a glass after pouring.Massive disapointment.
I want to know what he got in exchange and if anyone here thinks it is a fair swap...
I sent him the following in exchange

Brewboys Seeing Double
Bridge Rd Brewers Megachile Pluto Braggot
Grand Ridge Supershine
Holgate Brewhouse Hopinator Double IPA
Holgate Brewhouse Temptress Chocolate Porter
Jamieson The Beast IPA
Moo Brew Imperial Stout
Otway Estate Barrel Aged Strong Ale
Red Duck Bengal IPA
Red Duck Limited Release Loch Ness
Red Duck Ugly Duckling Braggot
The Steam Exchange Truffles Porter

Freight costs are the issue.
Spartacus, straight from the conditioning tank, got to try it before its release tomorrow.
If you have the opportunity try this beer, it is I suspect the best beer to come out of Murrays Craft Brewing Company I know that's a big call but I think it's valid.
Makes my life top 5

Thanks Shawn
View attachment 41037
Spartacus, straight from the conditioning tank, got to try it before its release tomorrow.
If you have the opportunity try this beer, it is I suspect the best beer to come out of Murrays Craft Brewing Company I know that's a big call but I think it's valid.
Makes my life top 5

Thanks Shawn
View attachment 41037
Let me be amongst the first to say, on behalf of large portions of AHB.

Shawn and Ian brewing together can only mean continued quality from Murrays and I only wish I could taste this one...
I agree with your greater point (which I've removed) but I thought the 90IBU maximum figure usually presented was our perception threshold? And actual possible IBU was a fair bit higher than this?

point acknowledged on larger point but........ on above......... if 90 IBU is percertion threshold..... what does any bitterness over this really matter? If you cant taste it????????

Perhaps it adds a mouthfeel with extra acids ect that can make the beer seem more bitter? not reall sure, just speculating.

I really do think there is a limit to flavour and aroma too......... point of saturation sucks!

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