1845 is one of my fav's. Hope you got a good bottle as when you do its divine. Wish I could make this beer.Some samples I picked up today from First Choice and Dan Murphy's
Cant wait for beer tasting day
1845 is one of my fav's. Hope you got a good bottle as when you do its divine. Wish I could make this beer.Some samples I picked up today from First Choice and Dan Murphy's
Cant wait for beer tasting day
I dont mean to be rude, but I am pretty sure, (but too lazy to chekc) but I think this beer uses honey essence, ie no real honey, and when I had the misfortune of tasting it due to it was the most revolting non-noey flavour I have ever tasted in a honey beer, more tasting or rotten grain than anything else and smelt like it too
I note ratebeer gives it a wide berth too
I was thinking that there was something not right about the wierd honey after taste....essence.....why would you bother.
Yes, I read that it was honey essence too (after i'd drunk it) ... but I stand by my tasting, maybe I was lucky, maybe i've got a freak's palate, but I preferred it to all honey beers i've tried in the past by a long way.
As did the missus, who has a sharper palate than I.
It would be interesting to see what the 'honey flavouring' is.
Today's haul:
View attachment 40908
Liefmans Goudenband, 3 Ravens Rye Roggen, Brew Boys seeing Double, Second Tier Cuvee 2, some unpronounceable barley wine from Nogne O, Nogne O #500, Nogne O #100, Baird Beer Temple Garden Yuzu Ale, 2 Metres Tall Huon Brown Ale, Renaissance American Pale Ale, Renaissance Chocolate Oatmeal Stout.
3 Ravens Rye - So this in my first Roggenbier. Do they all taste infected or is this as **** as I think it is? Shame, I do like this brewery.
Mikkeller 1000 IBU
I was expecting to be smacked in the face by the bitterness but was surprised at how well balanced this beer is. It is very bitter as you'd expect but no more than most imperial or double IPAs. I found it pretty difficult to taste much under the bitterness so I don't have much to say as far as tasting notes, although there was a hint of caramel flavours from the malt. Definitely worth trying though and I'd drink it again if it wasn't so expensive.
Oh HTFU up Bum and just enjoy the ******* beer!View attachment 40954
(and I don't know if anyone has noticed but I do like to think I like more aggressive beers than some).
I was getting a nice peppery spiciness in the fade which I was too annoyed to point out at the time so I'm guessing that is ticking a roggen box but up front all I got was a flavour I've never come across sitting somewhere between soap and glue. A really disappointing experience for mine.It should be like a dunkelweisen made with a %age of rye, making it spicy and a bit oily thick. Infected is wrong!
I was gonna say...I think only aroun 90 IBU of bitterness can be disolved into solution in a beer. You coukd add 3 tonnes of hops to a 23 liter batch for a technical 1 million IBU beer and its still going to be about 90!
After making a few big IBU beers with massive amounts of hops, i think there is a limit to the hop flavour and aroma compounds that can be disolved into solution too and the amounts will depend on the brewery and techniques used.
A bit like salt in water..... there is a point of saturation for everything!