Brew Boys Seeing Double - To be honest I had no idea what this was when I bought it. I've looked at it in Slowbeer the last few times I've been there and considered it but ultimately didn't get because I didn't know if it was a style I liked (doesn't really say on the bottle, though there are hints I guess [EDIT: Or, if I had looked the little writing printed in a circle around the label, it does actually say what it is but, I mean come on!, how am I supposed to read that from all the way up on the top shelf?!]). This time I just bought it after having gotten Brew Boy's Ace Of Spades last time and enjoyed it. Looked up their webpage when I got it home and it turns out it is a Wee Heavy. I've only ever had one Wee Heavy before and frankly I wasn't impressed with it - True South's Wee Jimmy, it was definitely a palatable beer but it seemed very safe to me. This one? Oh man! Extremely full on by comparison. The aroma is quite smokey (but not up to Schlenkerla levels), sweet malt and sherberty (sorry, I have no better word for this). The smoke flavour is not as prominent as the aroma suggest, instead, the peat is throwing very forward scotch type flavours (yes I know smoke can be a scotch flavour but I just mean more of a general "scotchiness"). There seems to be a lot going on under this scotch flavour but I can't isolate it any more finely than a complex malt character (I'm a complete n00b to the style so I've got no real frame of reference). There is a real mouth numbing quality to the warm alc in this one and it is much more pleasant than that might sound to some. No real hop character to speak of but I understand this is in style(?).
This is a really nice beer and has me jamming a Wee Heavy into the to brew list somewhere. I don't suppose anyone has come across a recipe for something akin to this one?
[EDIT: Oops, wrong pic. I hope none of you guys saw my penis!]