Couple of recent drinks that stand out:

Stone Used By IPA. I've never really had an american IPA brewed in the USA that I haven't thought wasn't all its cracked up to be, but I'm a pretty understanding fella and can appreciate the tyranny of distance with regard to these beers. But this thing.......Cheezits Christ. As someone who's had the opportunity to be around and pick hop flowers straight from the bine, rip one open and smell a few times.......this beer is that aroma in a glass. But still balanced really well. I'm no hop head but this thing is pretty amazing. I challenge anyone to pour one, smell, then identify the hop. It smells like every different variety I've had the opportunity to rip open fresh from the bine, which to be honest all smell similar to me at that time, and get my nose into. The bar has been set for Big Ass IPA brewers both domestic and commercial for this black duck.

Those little black bits at opposing poles of that silver thing? Thats the dregs of a Mikkeller Black in the bottom of a cut in half Mountain Goat Summer Ale can. At the bottom of a pretty steep range in the west of the Huon Valley, roughly smack in the middle of Tasmania if you were to take a parallel due west from Hobart to the west coast. Illuminated by head lamp.
But not just any Mikkeller Black, this is the first batch that ever got into AUS back in around 2008 I'd guess. I recall reading from on here someone drinking one fresh (Barls maybe?) and saying it needed time, a lot of time, way too much roast. This still had 12 months left on the used by date but I'd like to know how it could peak more. Amazing raisiny, slightly oxidised (it had spent around 6 years under a cork after all) big malty port like barley wine that finished with a pleasant bit of astringency that was barely recognised as the extreme amounts of roasted malt that went into the beer. Would drink again. May not share if had the opportunity over.