Zoomed up to Port this afternoon to buy a new desktop monitor and called into Dan's on way back - they are building one in Taree later this year woot.
My version of Bombardier compared to the real thing is a wee bit sad looking at the moment - however it's only been in the keg for a couple of days so I'm still getting the hazy stuff.
Nonetheless I think I'm 80% of the way. Apart from the colour - and yes I do need to up the SRMs with more xtal and darker invert:
- Really aromatic hop zing that follows through into the finish, which I think must the be fuggles, I've just got in a fresh batch
- A buttery caramelly richness that I'm sure must come from the invert, it tastes just like the stuff on the outside of a toffee apple :icon_drool2: - also I'm sure there's some Diacetyl in there which makes my choice of 1768 a lucky guess.
Completely off topic, if you are looking to upgrade your desktop to a kick arse 25" full HD 1920x1080 then get ye unto Officeworks which has the LG at $225 at the moment.
It's 3D enabled if you want to install the disc, won't be bothering myself. Pron never looked so good.