What Licence / Insurance?

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Ringwood, Melbourne

Ringwood Highland games, we've been along every year that we've been out in the burbs and one of the things that's been sadly missing from the event is.. yep.. booze.. I approached a member in the club the other night to gauge interest in brewing some Scottish Ales for the event, only as a give away, just to get involved and get some exposure for the club

I contacted the event organisers the other day and got this reply:

Hello, yes, I am very interested in you coming to the Ringwood Highland Games.
We have never been allowed to have anything of the alcoholic variety before,as it is considered a Community event, BUT,as we are in the grounds of a licensed club, it changed things!
We already have a WHisky Tasting business coming, but they did have to obtain a licence...they are not selling either...just take orders,so you may need to look into that.
I will ring you so we can have a chat.

So what are we going to need... I know Thirstyboy and crew did a roaring giveaway at one of the beer expo's at fed square a few years back... evil hop monster as I recall, practically had to chew through it :icon_drool2: ... as I say, we arent looking to sell, just brew for and give away some beer, make the event just that little bit more fun... besides.. I still have a couple of packs of Heather flowers to get through and I can think of no better way to do so than this :drinks:

What cover / Licence should I be looking at getting?
Um ... Medical insurance? ...

Sorry - low hanging fruit and all that. Carry on. Nothing to see here.

Edit: Big ups on giving this a crack, J! I'd guess you contact that Whiskey mob and get the run down off them - should be similar/same for you (?)
Insurance-wise you should be covered by the organiser's liability insurance. Check with them. Other than that just an event license should cover it, but I haven't done anything like that for about 10 years so more minds are in order. Anyone else?
To sell beer you have brewed you will need a producers licence and a sellers licence probably an on-premise, and ATO excise approval. If you are giving it away I have NFI but wouldn't be surprised if the same requirements apply. Here in TAS you can get special and club permits for a single day event like this they are quite easy to obtain as a retailler (selling someone elses booze which has already been taxed)


There is a beer produces license that allows you to flog your beer at farmers markets, festivals etc.

However I think it is more geared at brew on premises type of place. No sure how it would work for the club, as in what premises the license would be issue for.

The other consideration is that license allows you to sell it - you are talking about giving it away.

so my answer is ....I don't know.

this might help

He's not selling.

Probably rsa and all that yob but best check with the local council, possibly local cop shop and the whisky guys. You'll get a million answers here that will leave you knowing less than before.
Talking to a brewer a while back about this and he said the people at the licensing department were always particularly helpful.

Might be worth giving them a call?
If you are in the grounds of a licenced club you may not need any permits etc, talk to the club itself you may be able to give out under their licence.
Don't know how you would stand regards taxes/excise.
Would imagine it would be similar to supplying your own kegs for service at a wedding/party, you supply they hold permits, probably need someone with an RSA to hand out.
NOT SELLING!!.. Sheesh, only mentioned it twice in the OP..

Plenty of folks at the club with RSA and TBH, I should get my ticket too.

I'll give the council and call, see what they have to say or who they can put me onto.
Blind Dog said:
I know its a different State, and a different concept, but it might be worth talking to Sam T: http://aussiehomebrewer.com/topic/83359-home-brew-master-the-vic-hotel-enmore/

The only other thought I had thats not covered by Maticle's post, is whether the licenced club is going to be too happy with you giving away free beer on or near their grounds. You might need to get them onside
The venue itself doesnt operate on the day trading Alcohol so I assume it's going to be fine as long as the event organisers are cool with it, presumably thats on their end to get sorted, who knows it may evolve into a joint operation in years to come.. funnier things have happened.. ;)


Top of the hill, ball rolling.. just for further info for anyone looking this up in future..

A Temporary Licence is probably required, once this has been gained, in my case being an add on to to an event, I'll need to gather a letter of approval from the event organiser, as above, I have this already, and then send this off with the temporary licence to the council, no permit is required but written permission is probably a good thing to have.

As far as I can see, it's $55 for it which is pretty reasonable.

Liquor Licencing Fees - Victoria

A few more boxes to check off Im sure but it look like a doable thing... must get my RSA...
appears we COULD sell it if we wanted, the permit covers direct or indirect sales... not saying we will of course but it looks as though we could if we wanted to unless Im missing something.. :blink:
Yob said:
appears we COULD sell it if we wanted, the permit covers direct or indirect sales... not saying we will of course but it looks as though we could if we wanted to unless Im missing something.. :blink:
good call, sell plastic one use only pint glass for $5 which must be used for the free beer as that way we know it's sanitary

that reminds me of my old school teachers brother who sol pool tables, they weren't allowed to on on Sundays (obviously I'm old) so he sold books with free pool tables (as book sellers were allowed to trade on Sunday)
The producers license and the excise is the sticking point on selling it, and the powers that be are not at ALL cool with folks selling home brew without those. I looked into this a couple years ago trying to do very local music and home brew events.

Which, incidentally I haven't given up on.
What about alcohol content do you have to get accurately measured .
Mardoo said:
The producers license and the excise is the sticking point on selling it,
you know, I asked her about the producers Licence and she said no, the temporary Licence covered it but that can't be right, I was just having this very discussion on it with the lads in the office....

ED: ATO Deals with that.. aint their binnesss

ATO > 13 28 69 Alcohol Fuel and Tobacco

Press for Option 1

Press fro option 3

Leave messege ;)
AFAIK (i.e. just about bugger all) a temporary licence should cover the sale of alcohol and is generally for events where alcohol is purchased wholesale and then sold at the event (i.e. excise has already been paid). If you're also producing the alcohol, then the State licence may cover its sale and may also licence its production in Victoria, but it wont cover excise licencing which is the sole domain of the ATO. I don't know of any exceptions to the excise licencing rules, but that's not to say one doesn't exist. I'd give the ATO a call if you want to head down that road. Just as an FYI, the penalties for non compliance are pretty draconian
Blind Dog said:
I'd give the ATO a call if you want to head down that road. Just as an FYI, the penalties for non compliance are pretty draconian
In the States they include a lifetime ban from alcohol production and distribution. But then they're bigger dicks about this stuff than Aussies usually are ;)