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technobabble66 said:
Wow. The butchers (wtf?) florists and b&b have various restrictions, whereas barbers/hairdressers do not. Basically you just need trim a hair and that's it. There's not even a mention of the obvious condition it's a primary function of the business. Surely there's scope for a serious loophole there - "each hair trimmed for $7 comes with a free beer"!
Umm.. there is "...any liquor supplied must be complimentary (no cost) and ancillary to the provision of hairdressing services...", which is a shame as I was thinking of opening the world's 1st 200 seat barber shop...
Blind Dog said:
Umm.. there is "...any liquor supplied must be complimentary (no cost) and ancillary to the provision of hairdressing services...", which is a shame as I was thinking of opening the world's 1st 200 seat barber shop...
With "barber pole dancers"
i've got a licence to pick my own nose ($55 yr in qld) and
another that allows me to scratch my own arse with a registered utensil ($118 yr).
i had to do a tafe certificate 3 for that one.
this country sucks under the weight of its nanny / put a fee on everything crap
I hear that.. but at the end of the day, we get to share the craft..

The Melborune Brewers club jumps for the vast majority of fees (site and insurance) and very generous folk donate kegs to the cause..

The advantages for us as a club having public exposure, in my opinion, is pricelss and ultimately can only go well for the club.

At a personal level, Im lifting exposure of quality (I hope) homebrew to a wider audience than is normally possible and I have a great time doing so... I fookin tell ya, convincing Scottish people that you are actually GIVING away beer is a hefty job in itself... but fun also.. the placard of "FREE BEER" historically has been as much as advertising as well as a shepherding device....

Also, the looks on blokes faces that are there with missus and kids... (me aslo) who pine for a snooter (or wee dram) but 'cant'... priceless..

TBH, the Liquor license fees are dead reasonable, easily done and well worth the effort (IMHO)
So we pulled this off again yesterday, smashed it.. over 120L handed out

we ended up with

Scotch Ale %10 (barrel aged) Firm crowd favourite - Blew
Oaty Stout - %7.? (Great beer) - Blew
-/70 %3.9 - Blew
Pale ale %? - Blew
English Mild - Blew
Amber Ale (Bastard Keg)
Porter (Bastard Keg)
Apple Raspberry Cider - Blew
Mead %15 (All bottles gone)

thanks for the beer, tho i was very reserved in consumption, nice to see you guys

i reckon you could have a donation jar for the Melbourne Brewers on the table, even if it was to support beerfest or something

and i reckon a test tube for each beer placed out in front with the grains used for each beer layered in each tube would be cool

or even some bowls with grains in for chewing on

anyway good show i say!
droid said:
i reckon you could have a donation jar for the Melbourne Brewers on the table, even if it was to support beerfest or something

and i reckon a test tube for each beer placed out in front with the grains used for each beer layered in each tube would be cool

or even some bowls with grains in for chewing on
No "donations" are allowed, it can be construed as sales which is a big No No under the licence.

The amount of people who asked where they could buy some was truly amazing.. we'll be working on that for future years, there is definitely scope to do something for us.

We had a display table with grains, hops and yeast, could have been better presented, but generated interest anyway.

We plan to have the style guides (at least a short summery of) printed out fro folks next year among other ideas that came up over the course of the day.

Was good to see ya there man, those Bummock Shirts sure do stand out ;)