What Has Happened To Craftbrewer Radio?

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Guys, you are cracking me up and making way too much of this. I started listening to GLS a few years back when I first started brewing, and honestly enjoyed the banter and information. When I didn't see a new show since December, I thought he might be sick. I googled GLS and found this thread.

I admit that I took a cheap shot at the BN, but all in fun. Their shows have actually been getting better lately with more brewing info.

I am from the States so really don't know much about GLS history.

And, I am not anyone else on the forum.

But, good brewing to all, it is a great hobby.

Can't be GLS unless he's employed a proof-reader.
I have been searching the web to find out why Graham Sanders and the Cellarman have stopped producing their podcast. Does anyone know?

I luv the way GLS pushes the buttons on a whole bunch of you out there and thats the point that most you miss.

Long liv da revolution comrades FEAR NO BEER!

I luv the way GLS pushes the buttons on a whole bunch of you out there and thats the point that most you miss.

Long liv da revolution comrades FEAR NO BEER!


This is strange :rolleyes:
I luv the way GLS pushes the buttons on a whole bunch of you out there and thats the point that most you miss.

Long liv da revolution comrades FEAR NO BEER!


Totally. He's like Boyd Rice only for brewers.

Subvert the system yo.
I luv the way GLS pushes the buttons on a whole bunch of you out there and thats the point that most you miss.

Long liv da revolution comrades FEAR NO BEER!


Dickhead :rolleyes: The whole bunch or most or whose eating the bananas with their hmmm first post.

oh no, I'm scared!!!
Dickhead :rolleyes: The whole bunch or most or whose eating the bananas with their hmmm first post.

C'mon haysie I thought you were king of letting people have an opinion. Or are they only allowed to have an opinion when you agree.
Colonel Sanders is still here under 'The Real Craftbrewer' sign on. Surely it's not that hard.

Send a PM to him regarding the radio show.
I luv the way GLS pushes the buttons on a whole bunch of you out there and thats the point that most you miss.

Long liv da revolution comrades FEAR NO BEER!


The proof reader is still on holidays.
I'd like to know why the account (the real craftbrewer) still even exists, I thought it was against forum rules to have more than one account?
Assuming, of course, that it even is him and not someone stirring the pot.

Either way, all we're doing is feeding his already bloated ego. Let sleeping dogs lie until he comes back to let them out (or some other equally forced metaphor).
I am laughing as I read where this thread has tracked since I asked a very innocent question. Like some of the other members I have learnt a great deal from listening to GLS, but (figuratively speaking) what you see is what you get, and perhaps if people had a better appreciation of the personality they were dealing with, they might have been a bit more circumspect in being offended by his bluster, however misdirected it might have been. Ah, well, hindsight... never take seriously an email/post that you need to scroll down more than a page to read.

In relation to my initial question, I am guessing that GLS has taken the opportunity to take a break after doing the podcast for many years and that we may well hear from him again next year.

I look forward to further posts in this thread with bemusement.
I am laughing as I read where this thread has tracked since I asked a very innocent question. Like some of the other members I have learnt a great deal from listening to GLS, but (figuratively speaking) what you see is what you get, and perhaps if people had a better appreciation of the personality they were dealing with, they might have been a bit more circumspect in being offended by his bluster, however misdirected it might have been. Ah, well, hindsight... never take seriously an email/post that you need to scroll down more than a page to read.

To be fair to those who are lambasting GLS, I do recall being one of the (extremely) few who openly called the man a cock about his posting habits when he was setting up the bulk buy (I had nothing against the buy, just the man). It was only after he refused to accept anyone's (almost everyone's) negative reviews of the hops that he became the figure of widespread mockery you witness today. Anyway, I don't think people were offended by his "bluster" but by his thick-as-pigshit nature.
Please consult the archives for:
i. Chinese hops discussion
ii. In-depth lambasting sessions about said person.

Think it's all been said, with lots of colourful expression. Can we move on? Don't know the person, never listened to the radio show, but just a personal view don't like to see anyone who isn't hidden behind an avatar getting very publicly hit for months and months at every turn. No offence meant to anyone. Don't hit me.
I've been to Townsville - the place does that to people.

Thats a bit harsh
I cant comment on the man as I don't know him & joined the forum after "what happened" ......... but I do know Townsville

I`ve been to Sydney .............. hope it doesn't reflect on you :rolleyes:
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