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I'm calling this one Blackbox Brown. It's a Braggot with a brown ale base.

25L at 1.097 OG

Bairds Maris Otter - 54.1%
BB Wheat malt - 6.8%
JW Choc malt - 4.6%
JW Light crystal - 3.4%
Wey Carafa 2 - 0.7%

Blackbox/Regum honey - 30.4% (added to fermenter in 4 additions at 3,4,5 and 6 days)

Single infusion mash at 69C , to retain body and offset the drying effect of the later honey additions.

21g Magnum at 25IBUs in boil, 28g Bramling Cross at 6 IBUs in whirlpool.

WLP 545 Belgian Strong yeast, stepped up to a 3L starter.

Fermaid O added in 4 additions, 24,48,72hrs and 5-6days after pitching, and in 4.1g doses (which is half the rate for straight honey musts of this gravity).

Really looking forward to this over winter !

Ed- Technically, I think a Braggot has to have at least 50% honey, but this'll do for a starting point.
Brewed an English bitter yesterday, started off as Bribie's Timothy Taylor clone. Until I realised I didn't have all of the hops then had a near miss with the hops I did have.

So ended up as

3.4kg Marris Otter
1.1kg Jw Trad Ale
.250kg med crystal

30g of Northdown & ekg at 60mins
20g of Northdown & ekg in the cube

Aiming for 1:049 and 32 IBU

Wyeast 1469 West Yorkshire.
Yeah it's great for bittering, first time using it for flavour also.

Bought some Styrian goldings to dry hop this one, pitched at 17c might slowly ramp up to 21c.

Then will cask condition for a month before it hits the hand pump.
Tomorrow's brew.

BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: American Stout
Brewer: JD
Asst Brewer:
Style: American Stout
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0)

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 63.88 l
Post Boil Volume: 48.88 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 45.00 l
Bottling Volume: 44.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.072 SG
Estimated Color: 71.6 EBC
Estimated IBU: 58.7 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 83.6 %
Boil Time: 180 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
11.00 kg Pale Malt (Weyermann) (6.5 EBC) Grain 1 84.8 %
0.75 kg Oats, Flaked (2.0 EBC) Grain 2 5.8 %
0.50 kg Chocolate Malt (Joe White) (750.6 EBC) Grain 3 3.9 %
0.50 kg Carafa Special II (Weyermann) (817.5 EBC Grain 4 3.9 %
0.22 kg Roasted Barley (Joe White) (1398.7 EBC) Grain 5 1.7 %
40.00 g Mosaic (HBC 369) [11.50 %] - First Wort Hop 6 28.9 IBUs
100.00 g Mosaic (HBC 369) [11.50 %] - Boil 15.0 m Hop 7 29.9 IBUs
7.50 g Brewbrite (Boil 10.0 mins) Fining 8 -
I'm working on a roast chestnut Amber collaboration with DJ_L3ThAL. Step one:
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1462787760.987955.jpg
just finished the house APA

1047 OG - BF says down to 1008 FG

Tried out the pearl from the bulk buy at 94%
crystal pale @ 3.5%
shepards delight @ 2.5%

mashed for 90 at 66 with 3l/kg

had the hop bill sorted but didn't have some of the hops - der!

38.89 IBU
magnum @ 60 for 14.76 ibu
waimea @ 15 for 12.13 ibu (sposed to be columbus)
galaxy at 5mins for 6.36
chinnook @ 5mins for 5.63
mosaic - sposed to go in but decided to wait for a taste in the keg and dry hop wih a mix of nels sauvin and mosaic or whatever

really not sure how the waimea will play but the rest has been done before and was nice so - yeah, oh well wait and see

us 05 slurry to ferment @ 18
droid said:
just finished the house APA

1047 OG - BF says down to 1008 FG

Tried out the pearl from the bulk buy at 94%
crystal pale @ 3.5%
shepards delight @ 2.5%

mashed for 90 at 66 with 3l/kg

had the hop bill sorted but didn't have some of the hops - der!

38.89 IBU
magnum @ 60 for 14.76 ibu
waimea @ 15 for 12.13 ibu (sposed to be columbus)
galaxy at 5mins for 6.36
chinnook @ 5mins for 5.63
mosaic - sposed to go in but decided to wait for a taste in the keg and dry hop wih a mix of nels sauvin and mosaic or whatever

really not sure how the waimea will play but the rest has been done before and was nice so - yeah, oh well wait and see

us 05 slurry to ferment @ 18
droid, how'd the pearl smell and taste as wort?
Hopefully doing a double batch of my Choc Porter once my BB Falsie gets here (and I finish piecing together my 3V setup) will probably be next weekend
One cube will just be the normal beer, the other cube will have 500g of lactose and a few vanilla beans added to it
Hi Lethal. I brewed my first ever stout using the Pearl on Monday and it smelt pretty bloody good to me. I was interested myself being just out of date so I had a really good whiff after milling and during the mash. Smelt and tasted delicious during the brew. Gunna get it in the fermenter tonight. Cheers
Nice! I've got some Maris Otter that's a tad older too. Might see how well Pearl and MO play together as a 50:50 in an ESB. Glad to hear it's smelling good [emoji3]
mother of pearle, duke of pearle, my name is pEarle

@DJ - I didn't taste the wort but milling it up it smelled good and tasty too
Coodgee said:
Thinking of doing a double batch of golden promise with citra and or galaxy apa.
Make a smash GP and Citra, no boil additions.

FWH during the sparge with citra to 15ibu, then whirlpool with enough citra to get another 20ibu = 35ibu total.

Dry hop with 3g per L.

Golden Citra
Danwood said:
I'm calling this one Blackbox Brown. It's a Braggot with a brown ale base.

25L at 1.097 OG

Bairds Maris Otter - 54.1%
BB Wheat malt - 6.8%
JW Choc malt - 4.6%
JW Light crystal - 3.4%
Wey Carafa 2 - 0.7%

Blackbox/Regum honey - 30.4% (added to fermenter in 4 additions at 3,4,5 and 6 days)

Single infusion mash at 69C , to retain body and offset the drying effect of the later honey additions.

21g Magnum at 25IBUs in boil, 28g Bramling Cross at 6 IBUs in whirlpool.

WLP 545 Belgian Strong yeast, stepped up to a 3L starter.

Fermaid O added in 4 additions, 24,48,72hrs and 5-6days after pitching, and in 4.1g doses (which is half the rate for straight honey musts of this gravity).

Really looking forward to this over winter !

Ed- Technically, I think a Braggot has to have at least 50% honey, but this'll do for a starting point.
This is on its last honey addition today. I increased the amount to a round 3 kilos (38%) after much not much deliberation.

The yeast is throwing heaps of banana at a constant 18C, and should finish below 1.010, despite the high base beer mash temp.

Happily, the choc malt flavour is just hanging on by it's fingernails, so once the yeast has finished blowing off it's esters and floccs, hopefully it will become a little more prominent.

And I'm very glad I did staggered dissolved honey additions rather than pitch yeast onto the full volume/gravity (~27L after this last honey dose).
30L fermenter :) ...3L headspace :unsure: ...Belgian yeast :blink: !
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