Weavles In My Grain

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I have some flaked Rice and I have noticed it is full of weavles. What should I do about it? Is it ok to use? A little extra protein should not matter? :p or should I dump it and just boil up some rice and mash that?

I'd say dump it, you don't know what those little buggers have been up to in there :huh:
Dump it, and fast! They'll turn into moths shortly, and fly about laying eggs in anything grain-like. I suggest burning, or flushing the remaining flaked rice down the toilet....

Thanks fellas, its gorn. I guess I will just boil up 1kg of rice now and dump it in my mash, and hope I hit the temps.

Hi Guys,

Weevils are beetles not moths. If you're desperate you can freeze the grain for 24h to kill everything, but I'd not recommend it. Flaked rice is cheap.

Personally i wouldn't have worried, they wouldn't have done your brew any harm. nothing like a little extra protein B)

cheers ross
Weavles in your grain ,
alchohol on your brain .
Steve dont get your gun out to those weavels and take aim,
and blow out the poor little creatures brain .
that really would be so insane,
Steve dont tip your flaked rice down the drain ,
they dont affect the flavour of your beer and make it plain .

I am going to bed Pumpy :)
I agree with you Pumpy.GO TO BED. ;)
That was plain aweful.

Big D
i once had heaps of weevils in my malt but made the beer anyway. turned out fine. good head retention!
On the farm we fill the silo's with some foul smelling chemical to kill the little critters, based on that I say nuke them
Weavles in your grain ,
alchohol on your brain .
Steve dont get your gun out to those weavels and take aim,
and blow out the poor little creatures brain .
that really would be so insane,
Steve dont tip your flaked rice down the drain ,
they dont affect the flavour of your beer and make it plain .

I am going to bed Pumpy

Your on some good stuff Pumpy :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Ahhhhhhhh i have a stich pumpy. That is the funniest thing i have read on here in years!!!!!!!!!!!

SWJ........... Im with ross and the other weavel mashers.

I made a CAP a while back with 20 something % flaked maize....... 2.5kg of it.

It was crawling with them when i opened the bag...... lots of them.

I chucked it in anyway after squishing a few and sniffing them so see if they smelt like an ant of stink bug when squished. they didnt and the beer was great.

I even double decoction mashed it (really brought out the corn flavours!!!) and no problems.

Mate..........mash em!!!

Yep, cook 'em up I say. Somehow I have managed to stay weavle free but unless they'd really torn the grain apart I'd just mash the little buggers. That'll learn 'em!
OK I wil call it a CAWP. Classic American Weavle Pilsner. A real meal in a glass.

An appropriate topic. I have two pilseners brewing in the fridge at the moment and a pale ale bottled. Weavals in most of my grain. Sorted through it and removed as many as I could then brewed it. It takes too long to get stuff up here so I wasn't going to waste it. Boil the hell out of it should help sterilize what's left after the mash.
An appropriate topic. I have two pilseners brewing in the fridge at the moment and a pale ale bottled. Weavals in most of my grain. Sorted through it and removed as many as I could then brewed it. It takes too long to get stuff up here so I wasn't going to waste it. Boil the hell out of it should help sterilize what's left after the mash.

Maize does seem to be worse for weavil infestations for some reason. Treat it like a wheat bag for muscular pain. In a pillowslip or cloth bag and into the microwave for a couple of minutes. Kills the weavils and eggs, dead weavils possibly raise the protien level :lol:
I think I read in an old "Aussie Brewer" magazine about a brewer having similar problems ...

His solution was to dump the grain into a bucket with lid. He then shoved a CO2 gas line into the very bottom of the bucket and slowly applied the CO2.
The poor little buggers ,who were apparently having difficulty breathing, crawled the way up to the top of the bucket to escape the suffocating gas, only to be scooped up and disposed of.

Apparently it was effective and minimised wasted grain.
I took someones advice and put the bag in the freezer and it would appear that the little buggers are all dead now!
Steve it's an omen.

Once had an earwig floating in a Hefeweizen mash. Turned out to be the best wheat I've ever made. :D

Warren -

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