Understanding Terminology??

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Hi To All,

Well, it's time to get serious and create my first ever all grain brew, but before I do, I need to better understand some of the processes and terminology that I see in the Recipe section.

I will use this graphic as a reference:

Screen Shot 2023-11-21 at 15.51.10.png

The first line talks about Step Mash. I take this as mashing the grain at each Temperature step (55, 64, 72 & 78) then remove the grain bag after the 78C step. If this is correct, it doesn't mention the duration of each step.

With the Hops, I have assumed that I would add 35g 5 mins after the boil starts.
20g at the 40 minute mark and 20g at the 15 minute mark. If this is correct, it seems to be out of order as far as the list is concerned.

OK, how far am I away from the mark ??

Hop timing additions are before end of boil so 5min is 5min before flame out (power off/heat off etc) so on a 60min boil it would be added after 55mins

64C would be 60-90min mash depending on style etc you will want to raise to 78C for mash out and hold it for 10mins

Not sure you need to get complicated with Step mashing for your first ever brew keep it simple
Hop timing additions are before end of boil so 5min is 5min before flame out (power off/heat off etc) so on a 60min boil it would be added after 55mins

64C would be 60-90min mash depending on style etc you will want to raise to 78C for mash out and hold it for 10mins

Not sure you need to get complicated with Step mashing for your first ever brew keep it simple
Thanks Clickeral,

Yea, don't want to confuse the **** out of myself at this stage :)

Just want to revisit the Hops timing, just to make sure I have it.

Let's assume the boil is 60 minutes in duration.

The 15Min hops would actually go in 3/4 hour after the Boil starts and 20 Mins for the 40Min Hops?

Sorry but I think the hop timings were not explained well. And doesn't help the screen grab you have isn't chronological.Set a timer for your 60 minute boil. As it counts down add the hops at the time shown in your recipe.

In your example.
Set to 60:00 minutes and hit start to count down
@40:00 add 20g Cascade
@15:00 add 20g cascade
@5:00 add 35g Cascade
@00:00 your boil is now done.
Sorry but I think the hop timings were not explained well. And doesn't help the screen grab you have isn't chronological.Set a timer for your 60 minute boil. As it counts down add the hops at the time shown in your recipe.

In your example.
Set to 60:00 minutes and hit start to count down
@40:00 add 20g Cascade
@15:00 add 20g cascade
@5:00 add 35g Cascade
@00:00 your boil is now done.
Hey Golfandbrew,

Thanks for setting that correct. Yep, makes sense now.
