Victorian 2017 Xmas Case Swap - Recipe

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I would say we're still leaving a crap load of sugars in those tuns, if we recirc the sparg in the first then pump to the second and recir, then a second sparg on the second to possibly do the same (but in reverse). I realise that KISS is the order of the day, but if the head brewer has a few hands on deck when switching this stuff around it won't be too difficult to push the efficiency 5 or more points. I think both Mofox and I ended up with a bucket of runnings left over @1050 odd, and that was just draining so we could empty tuns.
I'm more than happy to nominate myself to be a brewer's bitch if that helps to lock down or finalise a recipe/method.

Never brewed anywhere near this volume before and keen to see the process up close and personal.
So then theoretically we could get Husky's kettle at 1.075 and Idzy's kettle at 1.050? We could even chuck a bit more grain on for the second sparge if we don't mash out.

Let's get onto the size, process and gravity decisions soon so we can decide about recipe. I'm going to try to do a trial brew of my suggested recipe to see whether it's crap or not. Being a essentially a DIPA I can push it from brew day to keg pretty quickly.

EDIT: Kerrrsnap!!! Dayum, it's been awhile since I've purchased malt at single-batch retail. Feckin' hell!
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I'm more than happy to nominate myself to be a brewer's bitch if that helps to lock down or finalise a recipe/method.

Never brewed anywhere near this volume before and keen to see the process up close and personal.
It's fantastic, and you realise there's not a lot of difference between 20 litres and 1000 litres. Just bigger. And you have to think a hell of a lot more about what your mashtuns and boilers are sitting on.
OK, after a malt tasting session this arvo I've made some changes to the test brew this weekend. I'm planning on brewing this either Saturday or Sunday. I think the grain percentages I'll go with for my test brew are:

83% Golden Promise
7.5% Simpson's Heritage Crystal
5% Gladfield Supernova (an interesting malt, BTW, toasty with distinct dark caramel flavours and zero sweetness - it's a roasted malt)
4.5% Biscuit malt

There were just too many dark flavours in my other proposed grain bill. I would love to use that bill for an English-style ale, but it's not right for a hoppy amber, in my book.
OK, after a malt tasting session this arvo I've made some changes to the test brew this weekend. I'm planning on brewing this either Saturday or Sunday. I think the grain percentages I'll go with for my test brew are:

83% Golden Promise
7.5% Simpson's Heritage Crystal
5% Gladfield Supernova (an interesting malt, BTW, toasty with distinct dark caramel flavours and zero sweetness - it's a roasted malt)
4.5% Biscuit malt

There were just too many dark flavours in my other proposed grain bill. I would love to use that bill for an English-style ale, but it's not right for a hoppy amber, in my book.
I'd ask what time the snags go on, but I think I'm grounded. Not to mention the brew related task that need completing at home.
^^ yeah, i'd agree. I was thinking through the 2 options while typing a post (#95) and it seems the better/easier option to do a slightly lower OG beer and let peeps crank it with some dex rather than do it the other way around.

The new recipe tweak looks better. I had some doubts on that CM3 :p along with the other darker stuff.
The only aspect i'd see as debatable is the 4.5% biscuit component - just to decide whether to use biscuit/victory, aromatic or melanoiden (i love all 3, so it's hard to resist saying use all of them! :D).
Not that i'd disagree with biscuit, just that those options give a slightly different twist on the basic recipe, so it's simply a choice of which direction to push it.
I think we're both thinking similarly - to restrain the deep/strong maltiness so that the hops stand out better (hence, no Munich, as an example). So i'd probably avoid the melanoiden. Which leaves maybe just a choice between Biscuit & Aromatic.
I'd say it depends how toasty/roasty the Supernova is, and at whether the resulting beer from the %-age used is enough to push that appropriately. If it's enough, i'd go Aromatic; if it's not, i'd back it with the Biscuit/Victory. I'd think the only way to know if to do a batch and find out, so go with the biscuit and let us know how it turns out ;).

BTW, i love Heritage crystal, and find it lends a deep maltiness along with the Med Crystal tones. Again, if it seems the test batch is a little too malty and hides the hops, maybe that's an option to change back to simple ol' Med Crystal. But i suspect it'll work nicely in the current recipe to add enough maltiness to be right for an Amber.

Just throwing my thoughts into the discussion!
Yeah, the percentages I listed are for the higher gravity brew. I'd change them for a lower gravity one.

I included melanoidin in my tasting, but it didn't make the cut for the same reasons you mention. The clean, sweet malt of the GP pairs so well with the hops, and more overt maltiness takes the grain bill a different direction. The Simpsons aromatic and Wey Abbey also moved the bill away from what I'm thinking.

Anyone else have a recipe to put up?
I like too much where your going, though with Techno on the aroma/biscuit, end of the day if your going to do a test batch, go with your head and lets see where it ends up.
If your doing a run this W/E I stick with what you have, if you find the malt is pushing a little too much, back it off or go with Aromatic.

I ain't that cheap
Yeah, Ding Aromatic, it's the only one i've used. It's totes amazeballs!
If it's not a lager, i'd generally go with >5% for Biscuit. I like what it brings, and i like to taste it! But i'm willing to consider your 4.5% this time :p
I find the biscuit is reasonably malty, but not too strongly so, and adds a nice "dry biscuit/cracker" taste.
Whereas i find Aromatic to be similar in magnitude with the maltiness, maybe even a little stronger, but it's a smooth, lighter, sweeter maltiness; not as deep & distinct as melanoiden (& Biscuit/amber/victory) but prominent. Hence it's the bomb for me in ~95% pils/ale base malt Belgians that have that lighter honey malt flavour as it deepens it a bit and compliments it well.
So in this, Aromatic, for me, would compliment the GP well, whereas the Biscuit would slightly contrast the GP a little. Both of which could work well :D
I do have some Ding Aro, and didn't include it in the tasting because of its limited availability. If it's the one though, we'd have to find a source for it. I'll see how much Brewman has on hand. I'm pretty sure he ordered up due to Dingeman's not being distributed anymore.
Well got me stuffed, I don't think Dingeman still ship to Australia, I note our clever friends don't stock it, I've got maybe 200g but that ain't going to help anything cept my next belgian. ( there was talk some time back of dingeman droping out of the Aussie market can't remember which way they went)
What about chateau aromatic?

PS: I'm absolutely shattered Dingemanns don't ship to Australia any more. Very ******* annoying.
Was there any reason given?
And has anyone found anything else to be (very) similar to their aromatic and biscuit?
Maybe CUB used it for VB once and pissed Dingemans right off?