^^ yeah, i'd agree. I was thinking through the 2 options while typing a post (#95) and it seems the better/easier option to do a slightly lower OG beer and let peeps crank it with some dex rather than do it the other way around.
The new recipe tweak looks better. I had some doubts on that CM3

along with the other darker stuff.
The only aspect i'd see as debatable is the 4.5% biscuit component - just to decide whether to use biscuit/victory, aromatic or melanoiden (i love all 3, so it's hard to resist saying use all of them!

Not that i'd disagree with biscuit, just that those options give a slightly different twist on the basic recipe, so it's simply a choice of which direction to push it.
I think we're both thinking similarly - to restrain the deep/strong maltiness so that the hops stand out better (hence, no Munich, as an example). So i'd probably avoid the melanoiden. Which leaves maybe just a choice between Biscuit & Aromatic.
I'd say it depends how toasty/roasty the Supernova is, and at whether the resulting beer from the %-age used is enough to push that appropriately. If it's enough, i'd go Aromatic; if it's not, i'd back it with the Biscuit/Victory. I'd think the only way to know if to do a batch and find out, so go with the biscuit and let us know how it turns out

BTW, i love Heritage crystal, and find it lends a deep maltiness along with the Med Crystal tones. Again, if it seems the test batch is a little too malty and hides the hops, maybe that's an option to change back to simple ol' Med Crystal. But i suspect it'll work nicely in the current recipe to add enough maltiness to be right for an Amber.
Just throwing my thoughts into the discussion!