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mxd said:
thanks again Andy for all the work you do and you comments on my wheat :) Or though I'm sure you could have found a couple more points.
Was that the American Wheat with the cascade? Myself and the other stewards loved it! How much late hops did you use? Yum! Put my American Wheat to shame.
Thanks for the feedback on my entry. One of the judges had picked that there was some old malt extract used. Bloody hell! It was about a year old and in block form when I went to use it.

Definitely some great feedback, will have to read up more on Vienna Lager and see if I can get it right next year.

Never thought I'd pay to have someone drink my beer :) The feedback is invaluable.

Echoing everyone else here, but thanks heaps for this.


Black n Tan said:
Was that the American Wheat with the cascade? Myself and the other stewards loved it! How much late hops did you use? Yum! Put my American Wheat to shame.

I'm shocking at record Keeping :)

but it would have been about 60 g of dry hops (that is 3 x 20g or more precise 1 hand full of each hop 3 hops used) from the following (don't remember which ones as I was dry hopping an AIPA at the same time pissed)

Hay, can somebody explain how my score of 121.5 was worked out, AFAIK there were 2 judges and I scored 40 and 41... Im pretty **** at maths but Im buggered if I can make that add up...

I think it is the addition of the scores of the 3 judges, or in this case as there were only 2:

Judge1 + Judge 2 + the average of judges 1 & 2.

= 40 + 41 + 40.5 = 121.5

Edit: Also great beer by the way!
81/100 is the same as 121.5/150. Or put another way the average of 41 and 40 is 40.5. Add the three together it equals 121.5. I assume this has been done so that all entries receive a score out of 150.

Not quick enough.
I keep getting "page not found" for the feedback on my munich helles. Is anyone else having this problem with compmaster?
G'day all,

Found myself in Melbourne with some time on my hands last weekend. So I rocked up to Vicbrew and offered to help, ended up stewarding for some of the IPAs. Got to taste some great homebrew and had a great time ( Mr Walker you have a lot to answer for)!!

Thanks to Martin for taking the time to show me the ropes. BTW Devo reckons he spent time with you in PNG in '88, and that you were one of the few competent "Chooks" (<10) he knew. He said it was a hard gig due to the amount of kit you carried.


Glad you had a good time, Andrew. Always happy to take-on an extra pair of willing hands (even if one of them has a glass in it most of the time... :D ).

Geez! Devo has a good memory!! Yep, I was in PNG in '88 at "Tokua International Airport" near Rabaul. All that weight I carried is the reason my feet are now shot with osteoarthritis (I'm still feeling the after-effects of doing Vicbrew now!). Also, getting older....... :unsure:

Thanks for the shout out mate - I'd missed uploading a batch of scoresheets (about 5 entries worth). They're up there now for you.


How do I get my feedback if I'm not signed up for compmaster? I have been waiting patiently but I'm pretty keen on reading that feedback and its been a few weeks now...
It's slightly slower with the mailout of physical judge-sheets.

Patience, Grasshopper....
No sweat, just checking it's going to arrive for us Luddites.

Don't worry, it will.

Right now, there's a lot of folks dealing with the sudden death of Neil Kay.

Not an excuse, just "is"....
Update for the Luddites:

The judging sheets were finally sorted-out by myself & another committee member over a few beers last night, so they should be mailed-out early next week.
MartinOC said:
Update for the Luddites:The judging sheets were finally sorted-out by myself & another committee member over a few beers last night, so they should be mailed-out early next week.
northbrew said:
Has anyone received their score cards in the mail yet?

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