Vic Xmas 2009 Case Swap - Tasting Thread

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Definitely 1968, as I've never purchased a 3068, or any other Weisen yeast for that matter.

Have you tried my ESB from the case swap? It was fermented with exactly the same generation (2nd) yeast that was used for that.

Can you check the lid? If it is a number '23', then that is the right beer.

Funny, as I have been getting very cloudy beers the last 3 batches, including a very simple IPA fermented with US-05. I just passed it off as being due to making the move to BIAB, which leaves more residue.
i have usually gotten very bright beers out of this yeast.

Was just about to pitch Manticle's Robust Porter, but might swap fermenters, just in case.
Definitely 1968, as I've never purchased a 3068, or any other Weisen yeast for that matter.
Have you tried my ESB from the case swap? It was fermented with exactly the same generation (2nd) yeast that was used for that.
Can you check the lid? If it is a number '23', then that is the right beer.
Funny, as I have been getting very cloudy beers the last 3 batches, including a very simple IPA fermented with US-05. I just passed it off as being due to making the move to BIAB, which leaves more residue.
i have usually gotten very bright beers out of this yeast.
Was just about to pitch Manticle's Robust Porter, but might swap fermenters, just in case.

Hmmm... Well from my experience its not the results of 1968 as it usually yields uber malty clean sweet fruity ales and just checked and its a '23'. :(

Hmm.. looks like something on your cold side might be an issue as it didnt have the profile of 1968. See how mants porter goes in another fermenter as you noted. Have you tested any bottles of the TTL? I might just have a dodgy one.
I read the bjcp style guidelines (which I don't take as gospel) after drinking/reviewing and the Northern German Altbier section seemed to describe this beer fairly well.

#26: Kenlock: Bright Ale

I've done well. This is my last beer of the swap and I've remembered to review each one, drink out of a clean, rinsed glass and try each as my first beer (or second where I've tried two swap beers in one sitting) so I think I deserve a prize. Anyone who has left over swap beers should send them to me.

I would also like a hat.


Pours with a fluffy head that very quickly dissipates to almost nothing.

Bright does not really describe it - this is very murky. Golden hue.

Aroma is fruit with a hint of grain/bready malt.

Carbonation is moderate, mouthfeel medium/full.

Flavour is mainly hop fruit, mildly citrus, not much lingering bitterness.

Quite an enjoyable beer - almost dessert like. I would suggest that it needs a touch more bitterness to balance the fruitiness and as with all hoppy-ish beers, maybe a bit more malt backbone to balance the hops. I enjoy this level of carbonation and mouthfeel. I guess being called 'bright' there's an expectation of clarity but this is not something that troubles me massively.

Cheers everyone for your offerings. I hope to drink your beers again in future and will be happy to offer some of mine in return.

Thanks for your review Manticle. I'm glad it has turned into a drinkable beer.

I'm really enjoying the tasting of everyone's beers. Especially the criteria and language used to described characteristics.

Please keep it up guys. I'm learning so much with each critic. I know it's more effort, but it gives us less learned fellowes so much information. And a rapid increase in knowledge. Consequently, I've been making my own notes on each beer. Making comparisions to my tasting and to yours (largely Manticle - Cheers mate).

Cheers Ken
8. Chris Taylor - Pale Yarra (Australian/English pale ale)

Aroma: fruity yeast profile, some light malt character, some bubblegum peppery aromas present. Some light metallic aromas noticable.

Score: 7/12

Appearance: amber to copper in appearance, bright, beautiful cream headstand and great carbonation.

Score: 3/3

Strong peppery fruitiness upfront with a sweet doughy maltiness continuing. Some sweet crystal malt flavours noticable giving some creaminess. Bitterness is moderate and lingering in the finish with a strong fruity yeast profile. finish is full and lingering

Score 13/20

Mouthfeel: sharp dry carboantion, moderate body and finishes full.

Score: 3/5

Overall: Malty and yeast fruity ale, sweet maltiness i somewhat subdued by the yeast characteristics. May have a little too much crystal malt to be an aussie pale. Unfortunatly it does not have the sessionability of an Aussie pale due to the strong yeast profile which can be controlled by pitching rates and temperatature. other tahn taht a well crafted beer.

Score: 6/10

Total: 32/50
Hmm.. looks like something on your cold side might be an issue as it didnt have the profile of 1968. See how mants porter goes in another fermenter as you noted. Have you tested any bottles of the TTL? I might just have a dodgy one.

Ok, have PBW'ed the fermenting fridge, am going to use my other fermenter, and plan on ditching the remaining 1968 slurry I still have in the fridge, along with my old fermenter (23 brews is a decent wicket)

Fourstar, if you haven't already, can you give my case swap ESB a tasting tomorrow? If it is substantially different to the TTLL you had tonight, we might be able to put it down to a mild infection, as I get a similar yeast profile in the ESB as the TTLL. The cloudiness is still a concern, though.

Any other guys out there tried the # 11 and found it tasting "weisen-ey"?
Fourstar, if you haven't already, can you give my case swap ESB a tasting tomorrow? If it is substantially different to the TTLL you had tonight, we might be able to put it down to a mild infection, as I get a similar yeast profile in the ESB as the TTLL. The cloudiness is still a concern, though.
Any other guys out there tried the # 11 and found it tasting "weisen-ey"?

Will do, i'll report tomorrow.
8. Chris Taylor - Pale Yarra (Australian/English pale ale)

Aroma: fruity yeast profile, some light malt character, some bubblegum peppery aromas present. Some light metallic aromas noticable.

Score: 7/12

Appearance: amber to copper in appearance, bright, beautiful cream headstand and great carbonation.

Score: 3/3

Strong peppery fruitiness upfront with a sweet doughy maltiness continuing. Some sweet crystal malt flavours noticable giving some creaminess. Bitterness is moderate and lingering in the finish with a strong fruity yeast profile. finish is full and lingering

Score 13/20

Mouthfeel: sharp dry carboantion, moderate body and finishes full.

Score: 3/5

Overall: Malty and yeast fruity ale, sweet maltiness i somewhat subdued by the yeast characteristics. May have a little too much crystal malt to be an aussie pale. Unfortunatly it does not have the sessionability of an Aussie pale due to the strong yeast profile which can be controlled by pitching rates and temperatature. other tahn taht a well crafted beer.

Score: 6/10

Total: 32/50

Thanks for the feedback fourstar, I think its become more and more english every day. Especially with the crystal malt starting to come through.
6. CM2 - Aussie Gold Digger Lager

Slight malt and hop character coming through the aroma, almost getting a straw like aroma from the malt.

No esters.

Clear golden colour with fast dissipating white head.

Flavour pretty similar with a slight bit of DMS.

Alcohol quite noticeable and perhaps a little too assertive.

Very dry slightly harsh finish accentuating the hop bitterness.

Medium to low body, medium carbonation.

Seems to get a bit softer as it warms up.

Is a bit of a heavy hitter, and might improve a with a little less attenuation. (what was the FG out of interest?)

Reasonably clean, but have to say these higher alcohol pale lagers are not really my cup of tea, so take this review with a grain of salt.
These were over the last few days, so detail is fading...

2. Maple - Rye IPA

Love the label. Nice light nose, poured with around 3/4 inch of head that hung around as a thin 1-2mm head to the last mouthfull. Great mouthfeel and very smooth Rye, bitterness was well balanced. Love the label. I'd give it a 8/10 (the beer that is)

13. Notung - bloodorange honey hefeweizen - drink 7 December or after - POSSIBLE BOTTLE BOMB BEWARE!

Mine was flat, had to pour from 6 inches above the glass to get any froth. That aside, a great balanced hefe (which i don't usually like). I'd give it 7/10/. Very drinkable.
These were over the last few days, so detail is fading...

2. Maple - Rye IPA

Love the label. Nice light nose, poured with around 3/4 inch of head that hung around as a thin 1-2mm head to the last mouthfull. Great mouthfeel and very smooth Rye, bitterness was well balanced. Love the label. I'd give it a 8/10 (the beer that is)
Yeah yeah, but did you like the label? Glad you enjoyed it ( the beer that is)
17b. Supra-Jim - APA
Loved this beer!! Favourite so far. Only real problem was that it had NO aroma. Then I tasted, and it was awsome! Nice malt backbone with lots of fresh hop flavor :icon_drool2: . Was dissapointed once it was finished. Could happily have a session on these. Well done!!!

9. Leigh - Dusseldorf Alt
Had a sip, screwed up my face, then had another to double check, and then tipped it. Sorry mate, pitty about this.

20. Gava - Golden Ale
Not sure if I'm a fan of golden ales. Had some micro golden's that I've not been real keen on too. I was getting a little 'green apple' falvour, but wasn't sure if that was just the summer ale part of it though. I did drink the whole thing, and ended up a bit happier than I've been with some commercial variety's that I've tried. So take this with a grain of salt, as I'm not real keen on the style. edit: Oh, and the bottle wasn't filled to the top.

Oh, and Leigh reminded me how good the label on Maples beer was! Want to send me another one now that I've got my hop taste buds back on again? :ph34r:
20. Gava - Golden Ale
edit: Oh, and the bottle wasn't filled to the top.

Last time I used bottles they were glass and well lets just say I finished with less than I started.. First time using the PET because I keg now so wasn't sure what level to do it.. I know for next time now that the PET are good to be filled.. sorry.
24 WW summer ale

top job WW really enjoyed this beer not a lot of malt flavor but a awesome hop combo summers day winner :icon_cheers:

Had wonderwoman's summer ale. Nice arvo drinker. I'm not sure if I like Nelson Sauvon hops yet. The few beers that I've drunk with them, seem to be a little sour or something. However, you seemed to balance that out OK. After looking at the recipe thread, I see that it's k & b, so an even better job! Well done.

thanks for the kind words fellas.

I'm currently giving my liver a well deserved break, but I have heaps of the swap beers left to taste
Okay, I did a side-by-side tasting of the case swap brewed TTLL versus a bottle of the commercial example last night.

Colour was a similar orange hue, but real one was considerably darker. As has been mentioned, mine has turned out very cloudy, whether due to process or a mild infection, I don't currently know. The bottled version is bright, but with a minimal head, as opposed to about 0.5 cm of persistent head on mine.

Smell was worlds apart. I got a mountain of mandarin out of the case swap beer, and a much more subtle, earthy note from the real beer, a little harsher on the nose.

Taste is kinda similar, except that mine is much, much sweeter. I think I really stuffed up by using a Wyeast 1968 yeast, as it just didn't attenuate enough. To get the level of dryness that the original had, I think it would need to reach an FG of about 1008-1006, I think I ended up with 1014.

The case swap beer is a nice beer, and I've had positive feedback from a number of friends, but it doesn't taste like a "Best Bitter" BJCP categorised beer should, at least to my n00b tastebuds. Saying that, I wasn't all that impressed with the bottled beer. At about $7+ for 500ml, and no guarentee on the freshness, I wouldn't bother forking out for another. It just didn't rock my beer drinking world enough.
Okay, I did a side-by-side tasting of the case swap brewed TTLL versus a bottle of the commercial example last night.

Colour was a similar orange hue, but real one was considerably darker. As has been mentioned, mine has turned out very cloudy, whether due to process or a mild infection, I don't currently know. The bottled version is bright, but with a minimal head, as opposed to about 0.5 cm of persistent head on mine.

Smell was worlds apart. I got a mountain of mandarin out of the case swap beer, and a much more subtle, earthy note from the real beer, a little harsher on the nose.

Taste is kinda similar, except that mine is much, much sweeter. I think I really stuffed up by using a Wyeast 1968 yeast, as it just didn't attenuate enough. To get the level of dryness that the original had, I think it would need to reach an FG of about 1008-1006, I think I ended up with 1014.

The case swap beer is a nice beer, and I've had positive feedback from a number of friends, but it doesn't taste like a "Best Bitter" BJCP categorised beer should, at least to my n00b tastebuds. Saying that, I wasn't all that impressed with the bottled beer. At about $7+ for 500ml, and no guarentee on the freshness, I wouldn't bother forking out for another. It just didn't rock my beer drinking world enough.

Did you get any of the bubblegum notes like i was getting WB?

Oh, i had your ESB, i also BJCP'd it as well. I think i gave it a 30 (from memory, i'll post the detts when i have time, i also need ot post brendo's as well).

The ESB is a decent beer just lacking in a few minor points from what i remember to make it a good example of an ESB. As for the TTL i had of yours, if it used the exact same yeast as your ESB, i'd say it was infected the bottle i had as it sure wasn't the 1968 i know.

Hmmm mandarin. Do you remember getting that from mine when you tried it. i cant remember tasting that.
14. sappas -Altbier

Some bready malt sweetness in the aroma, some esters, and slight hop (spicy peppery)

Slight off white head, fairly persistent. Light copper colour and slightly cloudy.

A lot of grain flavours coming through

Refreshing malt sweetness up the front

Not much bitterness, but enough to ensure that it is not too cloying.

Slight astringency in the finish which makes it a bit harsher than would otherwise expect. Does dry out a bit as well

Noticeable alcohol ( but not hot ), and medium body, with medium to low carbonation.

Overall very refreshing and clean.
17b Zebba - redcoats IPA

poured with good head, and had good head retention. a bit cloudy. lovely aroma... the aroma was so good that I was a bit disappointed by the flavour at first. I didn't think it was bitter enough for an IPA, but enjoyable nonetheless
6. CM2 - Aussie Gold Digger Lager

Slight malt and hop character coming through the aroma, almost getting a straw like aroma from the malt.

No esters.

Clear golden colour with fast dissipating white head.

Flavour pretty similar with a slight bit of DMS.

Alcohol quite noticeable and perhaps a little too assertive.

Very dry slightly harsh finish accentuating the hop bitterness.

Medium to low body, medium carbonation.

Seems to get a bit softer as it warms up.

Is a bit of a heavy hitter, and might improve a with a little less attenuation. (what was the FG out of interest?)

Reasonably clean, but have to say these higher alcohol pale lagers are not really my cup of tea, so take this review with a grain of salt.
Hmm I buggted thus up. It's only about 4.4%. well I guess it was experimental being a rice lager and all. Plus multiple decoctions. Thx for feedback. Will refine.
21. Hutch - Nelson Sauvin pseudo-lager:
I was a little worried with this one. ie., some comments that people got an infected bottle, and the fact that it's Nelson Sauvin hops. However, I didn't notice any infection :D (I didn't find it at all sour). Also, I was yet to have a beer with Nelson Sauvin hops that I have REALLY enjoyed, and was a little woried with brewing with the ones I've got in the freezer. However, you have changed my mind Hutch! You balanced this really well IMO. It had a really fruity hop flavour, but was backed up with a nice malty characteristic so that you didn't end up with a mouthful of fruityness. Well done for restoring my faith in these hops, and for a nice beer!
Hi Chris,

Slight astringency in the finish which makes it a bit harsher than would otherwise expect. Does dry out a bit as well

Do you (or anyone else who's tried it) have any suggestions for the source of the astringency and how to overcome it? Is it from the husks and the sparge water being too hot or is it something else?...


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