Vic 2018 Xmas in July Case Swap

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[QUOTE="droid, post: 1494135, member: 3717]

He's talking pulled pork sliders [/QUOTE]

Can they be posted?
Droid is hosting at way out at Eagle Point

July 20th-22nd 2018 @ Eagle Point Caravan Park and Foreshore

Host - droid
Hosts ****** - ?
Brewer - husky
Brewers ****** - TheWiggman (team GINGERBEER)
Coffee ******-
Food Boss -
Food Boss's ****** -

1. Droid
2. Idzy
3. Nullnvoid
4. AJ80
5. Mardoo
6. Micbrew
7. JB
8. DJ_L3ThAL
9. MartinOC
10. Midnight Brew
11. Husky
12. Curly79
13. Technobabble66
14. homebrewnewb
15. Malt Junkie
16. Dr Rocks
17. Danscraftbeer
18. Laxation
19. Whiteferret
20. GrumpyPaul
21. TheWiggman
22. knot_gillty

1. Droid
2. Idzy
3. Nullnvoid
4. AJ80
5. Mardoo
6. Micbrew
7. JB
8. DJ_L3ThAL
9. MartinOC
10. Husky
11. Curly79
12. Technobabble66
13. homebrewnewb
14. Dr Rocks
15. Danscraftbeer
16. Midnight Brew
17. Laxation
18. Whiteferret
19. GrumpyPaul
20. TheWiggman

1. Droid
2. Idzy
3. Nullnvoid
4. AJ80
5. Mardoo
6. Micbrew
7. JB
9. Midnight Brew
10. Husky
11. Curly79
12. Technobabble66
13. homebrewnewb
14. Dr Rocks
15. Danscraftbeer
16. Laxation
17. Whiteferret
18. GrumpyPaul

I’ve got no idea what the **** I’m doing and haven’t brewed a beer before but I’m coming!! I’ll bring a few bottles of mead, help out where I’m needed and learn what I can.
So what's the dealeo @droid, should we book sites or will you organise something. I was thinking I might bring the van down, comfier to sleep in :)
I'll probable sleep in my wagon as usual if possible. Or pitch a tent, same thing/site etc. Shared sites? if it has to play that way. How many tents to a site? I'll pay in advance no worries. In winter it sounds like we are going to own this joint for the weekend etc. It'll be so awesome :cool:
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we're gonna set-up camping and will have a walk of about 10 meters to a massive rotunda styled building with power, water, 6 tables, 2 BBQ's and a view across Lake King. My place is not far away, it won't actually be at my place
This is stepping slightly outside of the norm and we will probably need to confirm a number of things. I am thinking of my trips to the caravan park security, intoxication, noise, privacy, etc. Other considerations for brewing are power supply and power requirements, parking of trailers, sites, etc.

Do you have some photos, etc.? I must admit, my heart did skip a beat.
Very Civil are the swap meets. I've seen two swap meets and they are so passive really. Main event its all over by midnight from my experience so far as that the norm I think and definitely not a load and rowdy event.
So what's the dealeo @droid, should we book sites or will you organise something. I was thinking I might bring the van down, comfier to sleep in :)
This is stepping slightly outside of the norm and we will probably need to confirm a number of things. I am thinking of my trips to the caravan park security, intoxication, noise, privacy, etc. Other considerations for brewing are power supply and power requirements, parking of trailers, sites, etc.

Do you have some photos, etc.? I must admit, my heart did skip a beat.

I will be taking a video of the area - there is no problem doing it at my place if people are concerned about getting shut down which is legitimate. I will take a vid of the park and also my place but this won't happen till the first two weeks of Jan when I am on hols. That's a solid 6 months from the swap.

I have spoken to the Caravan Park people, it will be very quiet at that time but all I can do is show you guys the camp sites and the brewing area. I wanted people to experience the Lake by brewing nearby with the Lake in full view. Seems a long way to come to brew in someones back yard, but at least it's private property and I can inform the neighbors of their impending doom.

If it was here at my place I would want things quiet at 12am respecting the people living around us.

It will work out - just give me a week or so to finish work and get a vid. I might even get a drone vid from a mate.

The other thought was to brew on a large farm property overlooking the lake - but we wouldn't have power...
More than 6 months away but I'm excited!

So you have spoken to the caravan park owners? Did you let them know what they are in for? Especially with the brewing side of things. That's what concerns me the most. We are pretty relaxed and I wouldn't call us rowdy or anything crazy but the brewing side can be a bit overwhelming.

Worse case I might have a plan c of d? But we might not have power as well. But plenty of space and just down the road from Droid.
1. Droid
2. Idzy
3. Nullnvoid
4. AJ80
5. Mardoo
6. Micbrew
7. JB
8. DJ_L3ThAL
9. MartinOC
10. Midnight Brew
11. Husky
12. Curly79
13. Technobabble66
14. homebrewnewb
15. Malt Junkie
16. Dr Rocks
17. Danscraftbeer
18. Laxation
19. Whiteferret
20. GrumpyPaul
21. TheWiggman
22. knot_gillty
23. EastVicLad

1. Droid
2. Idzy
3. Nullnvoid
4. AJ80
5. Mardoo
6. Micbrew
7. JB
8. DJ_L3ThAL
9. MartinOC
10. Husky
11. Curly79
12. Technobabble66
13. homebrewnewb
14. Dr Rocks
15. Danscraftbeer
16. Midnight Brew
17. Laxation
18. Whiteferret
19. GrumpyPaul
20. TheWiggman
21. EastVicLad

1. Droid
2. Idzy
3. Nullnvoid
4. AJ80
5. Mardoo
6. Micbrew
7. JB
9. Midnight Brew
10. Husky
11. Curly79
12. Technobabble66
13. homebrewnewb
14. Dr Rocks
15. Danscraftbeer
16. Laxation
17. Whiteferret
18. GrumpyPaul
19. EastVicLad

Was Talking To Droid yesterday and I could bring the smoker down and do some Jalipeno poppers and a big pulled pork for some sliders if your all keen...

Pretty keen for my first case swap...
Got a local fella interested... Brent came around to have a gander at my set-up and chat. Nice fella - has an AG set-up in progress as a build but also brewing on it.

He's talking pulled pork sliders and getting in on the cubing and swapping so that sounds good - I was sold with the sliders to be honest

Hahahaha didn't see this before i replied to the thread... The sliders sound like a go then...
I thought I'd replied to this one..
For food if I can get a trailer I can bring up my smoker and talk to ben about maybe doing a big long brisket.

Would you like me to try and get some venison? Smoked venison brisket or something like that would be good.
I don't know much about venison except I thought it had a lot less fat, if it does it wouldn't smoke as well
I don't know much about venison except I thought it had a lot less fat, if it does it wouldn't smoke as well

Yeah heaps less fat. Would depend on when it’s shot too. Leading into mating they’re all a bit fatter. That’d be now-March ish sort of. A sambar spikey I shot a few weeks ago had nice fat on it. Made cabana, Strasberg, sausages, mince and steak out of it. I’ll see how I go closer to the date. If I end up nailing one I’ll do a heap of cabana, salami, jerky and **** like that and bring it.

Got a mate that might be keen to come up too. Mainly for a weekend away. We’ll get him working!

Edit: had to add jerky!! Can’t forget the jerky this time!
Host/Coffee ****** (you've got the machinery, right?) - droid.
Hosts ****** - MartinOC
Brewer - husky
Brewers ****** - TheWiggman (team GINGERBEER)
Food Boss - knot_guilty
Food Boss's ****** - MartinOC

I’ve got no idea what the **** I’m doing and haven’t brewed a beer before but I’m coming!! I’ll bring a few bottles of mead, help out where I’m needed and learn what I can.

If you can source venison ('sounds like you can) & can cook stuff ('sounds like you can), then I'm in as your food ****** (I just dobbed you in as-such:p), as well as doing the Host's ****** thang if no-one else wants the job?

Feel free to change stuff if that doesn't fit with you.

'Doesn't matter if you've never brewed anything from scratch before (which is what we do). It can be a bit daunting to see homebrewing happen on a small commercial scale, but everything is the same if you're doing 10/100/1000 litres.

I can guide you through coordinating the food stuff closer to the date. It's just a group PM thing & collecting $'s.

Welcome to The Vortex! Look forward to seeing you there.
Oh ****, I never said I could cook the stuff... hahaha. I get someone to make the salami, cabana etc. I think laxation was putting himself up as food boss..

I’ll do it, all good. Let me know what I’d need to bring and do and I’m in.
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the c/park does not have prices post 30th June but hopefully they are the same/similar, it is off-peak
Fees per night (2 peeps 1 car)
View of Lake King
- ie near rotunda, public BBQ's table and a playground
Powered $43.50
Unpowered $23.50
Powered $25
Unpowered 18.50

The road on the right is local traffic, the one on the left is more just for c/park comings and goings. The one on the top is a no through road along the lakeside so gets rubber neckers and people pull up there to have kids parties at the pavillion
The blue bit at the top of the screen is Lake King which runs right across the front of the park

I'm thinking brekky in the Rotunda for sure
I have room for swags with parking opposite our house at the school or right out the front as well, our neighbours may be away and have offered up there private back lawn for campers too and they have an outdoor toot - just have to see where they're at closer to the date, actually my other neighbour is pretty cool and he has a private front lawn area too, though he is behind a couple of units and those people would not want to be disturbed, so it would be sleeping only, not sitting around a fire singing - they'll all be warned though

cheers eh