Noob What Craps On A Bit
And I'm pretty sure everyone else does too!
as Martin said, you're definitely welcome to bring yours. It'll be amusing to see Idzy be the one with the small kettle. :lol:husky said:Would like to give mine a crack if required. Let me know as otherwise might not see use for a while! Just waiting to find a couple of big enough burners to boil 7-800L but will be sorted by July.
You're talking about moving the porch right Stu?technobabble66 said:From memory, there's a car porch between the street and the brewing spot, so we might need to move it a little distance via some height restriction.
Kettle is 970mm diameter x 1200mm high for approx 900L, stand adds another 300mm or so. Fits in the back of a ute easily with its stand. Has handles and can be moved by two people easy enough.technobabble66 said:as Martin said, you're definitely welcome to bring yours. It'll be amusing to see Idzy be the one with the small kettle. :lol:
I'm fairly sure everyone will be keen to see the setup you've started putting together!
And it'll be nice to not have a kettle boiling within 2 inches of the rim. :huh:
Just out of interest, exactly how big is it, and how do you move it? From memory, there's a car porch between the street and the brewing spot, so we might need to move it a little distance via some height restriction.
JB said:You're talking about moving the porch right Stu?
I'm sure this is a demolition case swap or have I got it wrong again .. burning down the house :super:
1,2,3 yep yep yep.technobabble66 said:So that resolves some things to:
1) Light Crystal, the 100EBC stuff from Bairds
2) Chocolate wheat (1100 EBC) from Weyermann looks like the closest to the Briess roasted wheat.
3) Joe White Amber
4) Looks like it'll be Wheat malt <_<. What about subbing in Rye?h34r:
5) Assuming wheat, use plain wheat malt or use Dark wheat malt to push the deeper flavours?
What are your thoughts on those last 2,monkeybuttMofox? :lol:
That would be awesome. And I know you'll turn up with the grain, as opposed to the circumstances at Shep... seriously still impressed Martin & Deej brought up enough extra to cover for the shortfall!malt junkie said:Have spare bucket (10-12kg) of dark Best wheat, happy to contribute, other wise I'll be into some wheat beers in a BIG way soon, and really it's a little cold for that.
No wukkas :lol:MartinOC said:Stu, that doesn't mean you're off the hook.
All good. Fwiw, keep in mind there's the fwh, 40min plus cube hops as a 20min, so there's a bit of a spread in that sense.mofox1 said:What amazing wizardry of spreadsheetiness is this?
I've scaled the original recipe in brewmate earlier, today og looks close enough... Will update hop schedule I think. Condensing the 0, 10 & 30 into a single 20 might be a bit much, will push out a version with fwh, 20, 0 & cube. Also adjusted hop aa% for what clever brewing are currently stocking.
I reckon the equipment side of things is covered this time.whiteferret said:Do I need to bring my kettle and mash esky?