really? i think the bluetoungue is pretty drinkable compared to american lagers..
has anyone tried miller genuine draught?
omg i think it broke my tongue..
i took it back and just bought a coopers.
For my 2 cents worth - Buckleys Bock is the worst beer I have ever had
After enjoying a recent 2 weeks holiday over in Fiji I would have to say this stuff is the worst I have tried and I have a good idea why:
It has something to do with the fosters group.
No shortage of cane sugar in Fiji and I think at least 30% makes it into this beer.
It's called Bitter but it's a Lager but only in the brew length and maybe a serving fridge.
They do a watered down version called Gold.
If it wasn't for the tropical heat... :blink:
- Luke
I was a great believer that there are no bad beers.
Well, some just are better then other.
Homebrewers have a habit to slag VB and like for bad beer.
I think i have found one that is worse.
Little Creatures Golden Ale.
It taste like a brewweiser munich lager brew wirh kiy yeast heavily
Seriously it is incredible bland.
I brew a lager that turned out a bit thin and only had an IBU around 25 that tasted more then that with HSA.
"Blow me down" as Captain 'You know who' would have said.
What you worst commercial beer?h34r:
Thank god I thought I was the ony one!!!!!!!
I bought a carton $60 for that little creatures sh#t and was most annoyed as the fellow at the bottle shop said it was the best beer he has ever tatsed. I musn't have the taste for expensive crap :chug:
....oh, and James Squire (something, maybe amber ale) on hand pump. Stinky and couldn't finish it. Dam water, silt and rust smells.
The last two bad commercial beers I had the misfortune of putting to my lips and did not finish was Blue Tounge Lager and that Cold Ultra Chill Carlton beer - YUK!
I haven't been a fan of James Squire beers for a while now, they really seem to have changed & have developed a very samey taste which I don't particulary like. Drunk & blindfolded, I reckon I'd have trouble telling a lot of them apart B)
That said there are far worse beers around.
Every beer has it's place & can taste good in the right enviroment. I even started to look forward to alcohol free Heiniken at the end of a hot working day in the sun, while staying in alcohol free Libya.
.....All that is except my all time worst "Watney's Bleedin' Red Barrell", that was truly a metallic tasting travesty, that blighted English pubs for a few years.
cheers Ross