The Worst Commercial Beer!

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Redback Cristal

I don't mind the original Redback, but this was terrible.

One of the ratings sums it up well:
"Skunky aroma, bit like burnt rubber and wheat malt. Clean golden body with fluffy white head. Has slight flavours suggesting it maybe a weizen bier of sort, hint of banana and clove maybe even some floral hops, but its short lived with overpowered by the spritzy carbonation giving off sulfary notes towards a drying finish that reminds me of drinking a diet Coke. Is this suppose to be some kind of low-carb take on a wheat beer?"
forgive me administrator but i was under the influence of one stubbie of JSGA when I started this thread please don't scold me.

hmmmm who knocked Stella hehe
Red Stripe is the only beer that I haven't been able to finish
JSGA, good session beer, but worst I've had recently was from a Micro :eek: -Red Duck Pale Ale was just nasty, sour acidic twang low on flavour, no hops detectablewent doen the drain, could have been a bad bottle reminded me of Outback lager.

Don't get me started on TUI IPA, couldn't be further from an IPA if you tried, might as well get a bottle of VB and slap an IPA sticker on it
I'm a big fan of JSGA, could drink the stuff for a living.

As for the worst beers, about 6 months ago I bought a box of Mountain Goat Hightail Ale that was undrinkable. Every stubbie I opened was so over carbonated that I literally couldn't drink the stuff, it was coming out my nose. I don't know if it was an infection or a stuff up with the second ferment, but I wasted my money there. I'm sure it's a nice drop when properly carbonated but I won't paying again to find out.
Wow, all this raving on about the James Squire beers!

I've always found them the most stale, oxidised, bland and unhoppy set of beers in the 'specialty or microbrewery' offer plate. Must be because being here in the turd below the bottom of the world... :)... (from a beer freshness point of view) they've probably been sitting in the sun for a few months or years by the time a sucker like me gets to buy them...

Don't get me started on the waffle they write on the labels... who the hell thinks we're going to buy more beer if it has a nice imaginary story attached to it? As opposed to because it tastes good?
Maybe reading the story is what you pay the extra money for :)

What you worst commercial beer? :ph34r:

Crown Lager.

I was at a mates house Monday night and he offered me either a Tooheys New or a Crown Lager. I took the Tooheys New. Seriously that beer is the shittiest of all **** beers.
I'm suprised to see that no one has mentioned XXXX Gold. I couldn't finish a 3rd of a stubbie of that and I was forcing myself to do it for a dare.
Wow, all this raving on about the James Squire beers!

I've always found them the most stale, oxidised, bland and unhoppy set of beers in the 'specialty or microbrewery' offer plate. Must be because being here in the turd below the bottom of the world... :)... (from a beer freshness point of view) they've probably been sitting in the sun for a few months or years by the time a sucker like me gets to buy them...

Don't get me started on the waffle they write on the labels... who the hell thinks we're going to buy more beer if it has a nice imaginary story attached to it? As opposed to because it tastes good?
Maybe reading the story is what you pay the extra money for :)


We get them nice and fresh in Sydney/Wollongong. I guess the old rule of getting your beer as close to the brewery as possible is proven by this?

Only ever once got an oxidised one - in a Pub function room. It must have been sitting there a while. When I complained, it was cheerfully replaced with a fresh beer.
I'm suprised to see that no one has mentioned XXXX Gold. I couldn't finish a 3rd of a stubbie of that and I was forcing myself to do it for a dare.

Ahhhh, the good old burnt rubber aroma of clusters hops... how else would you describe it? Did you know HPA (Hop Products Australia) still grow clusters exclusively on contract for Castlemaine brewery? They've built a loyal following with that flavour and they're too scared to change hop varieties.

Non-American brown ales get my goat. ie, Kent Old Brown Ale and Newcastle Brown Ale.

Edit: Perhaps the issue is that I'm not a fan of the (non-American) brown ales in general, rather than these being particularly bad beers.
I love JSGA, it's probably my favourite James Squier beer.

Worst? XXXX Gold gets my vote. I spent 9 months working in nth queensland and now that i'm back in melbourne i no longer have to worry about someone shouting a round of XXXX Gold....

I second Crown Lager it's aweful, followed by Carlton Cold, anything with "Ice" in the name, Tooheys New and most Tooheys offerings (though I like tooheys pils actually)
I've been know to have a few commercial beers, especailly down at the cricket club, all are pretty average, but wouldn't kick'em back. The worst offender I've had, was in Canada -> Lakeport (lager/pilsner? not sure the title), but affectionately know from 1st sip onwards as "Lake-Trout". I reckon it tasted pretty close to licking a fresh laketrout. that beer I would knock back.

I sometimes don't get why some people quote beers as being bland and boring and taste like nothing as being the worst beers, doesn't make sense. I'd rather drink a beer like that than a bad beer which actually tastes awfull, I take bland and boring over horrible anyday.

Had the most bland beer the other day watching the footy, hahn super dry! Often during the footy with mates we have a on going practical joke were if someone leaves their beer for too long and leaves the room its contents gets swapped for any number of things. In this case you could swap the contents for cold water and the drinker would need a few sips before actually noticing. But that doesn't make it the worst tasting beer ever, how could it be? it has no taste.

Beer I have least enjoyed ever was a pint of Reachs or whatever the hell that horrid stuff is called, in fairness I only had one and it was after only a few hours sleep and a few days of drinking heavily. Either way I'am not tempted to try it again.
Worst for me: Tooheys New......couple of years ago on a mates property 3 hours north west of Bourke, middle of summer, 48 degrees. 10 blokes, 2 fridges, that were as old as the property, 1 for food, 1 for beer......result - warm tooheys new.....I cant even bring myself to drink a cold one if offered.
I have to second Jayses comments about bland beers. Bland doesnt = ****.

I was surprised to see the listing of several english ales on that list. Fresh ale from the handpump in a pommy pub isnt a hoppy, slap you around the face APA but something that should be appreciated for what it is. I quite like Newcastle brown, and several of the others you listed. Subtle ESBs have a place in my bar next to APAs and everything in between. And a few bottles of JSGA never go astray.

Worst - probably any megaswill aussie draught. I have a 6 pack of carlton cold that a mate brought around. he ended up drinking my beers and left the coldies behind. Not sure what i am supposed to do with them?
Had the most bland beer the other day watching the footy, hahn super dry! Often during the footy with mates we have a on going practical joke were if someone leaves their beer for too long and leaves the room its contents gets swapped for any number of things. In this case you could swap the contents for cold water and the drinker would need a few sips before actually noticing. But that doesn't make it the worst tasting beer ever, how could it be? it has no taste.

Yep, bought a case of this recently, based on the taste of one stubby at the casino a couple of months back.
You know the drill: first one tastes okay, then every other one is tasteless... Oh well, low carb and all that.
Not the worst beer I've ever had, though.
I take value into account when I give the finger to Crown Lager as one of my worst. After playing (and losing) a basketball final, the captain has come back to the table with a round of Crownies instead of the standard after-match Coopers Pale - something a bit 'special' to celebrate the end of the season!! Tastes worse + costs more = bad
Crown Lager.

I was at a mates house Monday night and he offered me either a Tooheys New or a Crown Lager. I took the Tooheys New. Seriously that beer is the shittiest of all **** beers.

Anyone who picks a Tooheys Spew over a Crownie needs to have their head and Palate examined. Tooheys Spew is a horrible beer. Its watery and has a horrible off like tang on the end of it. Crownies do have their bad batches - thats for sure - but when they are good (and this is most of the time) honestly - tell me what part of the flavour is undesirable. The crownies I have in the fridge atm are smooth and crisp with a slightly sweet malt flavour followed by a lasting smooth bitter after taste that on a fresh spring afternoon is pretty dam fine. The only thing I can bag is the aroma - ordinary because of the POR but that like CSA is part of the character.
I am a passionate AG home brewer and still to this day If I am offered a crownie I gladly accept.

Cheers! :chug:

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