:blink:You're tight Aaron
Hence my point about this being subjective. If you like a beer it is much more than flavour. We are all victims of marketing and various bias. Someone told me the other night that they won't make a kolsch because they like alts for example. So the beer we consider the "worst" is a function of all these bias'. It being technically accurate or not isn't really the point. There is a place for real analysis but I don't think that is the intention of this thread.Then I did a couple of sessions of tasting via blind triangle tests and blind flights; and learned to mostly shut up. It seems that where I am capable of actually telling the difference between two beers (one which I previously like and one I hated) then I am also prone to picking out the beer I thought I disliked as the best in a flight.
Sorry Croweaters, but anything brewed in South Aust cannot be described as beer.
I remember in the bad old days, some 30 years ago, the brewery workers or truck drivers would regularly strike just prior to Christmas and supplies would quickly run out. We would then travel throughout Melbourne trying to find an outlet with beer left, going from pub to pub and finding a "no beer" sign out front.
Sometimes you'd find a pub that would have some but would limit you to 6 cans. Truly, very sad days. However, one Saturday night, Y&J's had a sign out front- "Packaged Beer, No Limit". In we went to be told it was Canberra Draught (or Bitter, Lager or something) and it's a good beer. So we buy a slab and head down to the Yarra River to sit and enjoy a drink but upon tasting it we disovered a most vile, foul tasting liquid that resembled the smell of cats piss. Upon looking at the fine print on the can we found the dreaded words- "Product of SA Brewing Co", an evil company if ever there was. Needless to say, we threw the rest in the river and that's why to this day people criticise the Yarra for its uncleanliness. So first you ruin our river, then you ruin our football league.![]()
It is funny how the surroundings can make a difference. I hope none of you guys with an 'advanced palate' ever get the opportunity to work in say Vanuatu or Samoa for extended periods during summer...
Vanuatu Brewing's 'Tusker' is a very lightweight beer as is Samoa's Vailima. I am sure many here would treat them with derision, however, after a few weeks, they grow on you. None the least because they are light-weights, when it is 40C and 110% Humidity day after day, the last thing you want is a heavy beer.
For me the worst I have tried, was in Tassie and it was "DLite" or some such rot - A diabetic, low cal abortion. Mind you this was the late 80's (in Bicheno) when Millers Lite was also being sold....
By a wide margin I think the worst commercial beer I have had is Beez Neez from Matilda Bay. I can't stand that stuff. I would even rather drink vb.
I remember this guy who worked with my organisation as a financial advisor. He found that he was drinking Tooheys New instead of his beloved VB, but didn't qustion his change of taste at the time. Next thing he knew, he was in hospital with meningitis (IIRC) fighting for his life. He sez that it (the beer thing) was an early symptom of the illness.<abbrev>Each to his own, tho. Each to his own. I might wake up one day and discover my palate has changed, but I really doubt it.
Get some VB, some Fosters, some Tooheys New even some Crown or $x and do a proper blind tasting, a real assessment of the beers, use a BJCP scoresheet if you want, or do a compare and contrast.
Now wait on a second K,
Who is actually going to buy these? There is no way that I would waste my money on any of those brands any more, even for a test to PROVE they are *****. Maybe 10 years ago I would have, but certainly not now!
I can't see Lion Nathan or Fosters supplying samples for such a test either, they won't exactly come up smelling of roses...
(blind or otherwise..I don't care)
I was a great believer that there are no bad beers.
Well, some just are better then other.
Homebrewers have a habit to slag VB and like for bad beer.
I think i have found one that is worse.
Little Creatures Golden Ale.
It taste like a brewweiser munich lager brew wirh kiy yeast heavily oxidised.lol
Seriously it is incredible bland.
I brew a lager that turned out a bit thin and only had an IBU around 25 that tasted more then that with HSA.
"Blow me down" as Captain 'You know who' would have said.
What you worst commercial beer?h34r:
What sort of beer should we drink to get blind before we move on to the megaswill?
Metho ?????
(for preference not megaswill metho though)
I back up the Formaldehyde assertion. Worst beer I ever had was Egyptian Stella. Apparently the Mummies arent the only thing in Egypt preserved with formaldehydeh34r:
Even the (now faint) memory of this beer makes me feel like wretching. :huh:
i vote for any beer made in the south west pacific the worst of them all is sol brew from the soloman islands its a **** of a beer and comes in two strengths strong and i think my car will run on thismental note......no beer for Davewalk......and anyway, they labelled it correctly when they put 'Canberra' on it. They were just sending some **** beer to the pollies, your fault for drinking it
Vailima is right up there on my worst beers list, along with Fiji Bitter.
Someone bought a six of this around thinking it impress me. I was impressed by their effort, but sadly the beer left me not wanting to finish the bottle.
Others that come to mind fairly quickly are:
XXXX (well and truly up there)
Cristal (Quilmes) ...yuck. God knows why it's so popular over in S.America
Bintang (so many have been refused to fly because of that stuff....)
Lion Brown, Lion Red, DB Draught.........................................................................
ANYTHING with the CUB logo on it in it or near it.
Reschs Pilsner
And I'm sorry all those who have had better experiences than I, but I have yet to try a commercial english beer that I coult drink, just one. And as for serving them at room temp............![]()
i vote for any beer made in the south west pacific the worst of them all is sol brew from the soloman islands its a **** of a beer and comes in two strengths strong and i think my car will run on this
You have one of the worst right there in your avatar pickledkiwi2 - Speights gold medal bland cold fizzy adjunct riddled sweet caramelly amber lager.