For those who are trying to run their home brewery as relentlessly as a business....your on the wrong forum. Go get an ABN
For those who aren't.... just get on with it and cut this crap.
Hmmmm, start my own business...
Now, if I could work out the initial investment, based on what I want to earn, so I can live comfortably. I think I'd do a yeast lab. Woohoo, who wants to buy ISO-certified cultures from me. Could take a little while for the ISO rating, though.
Seriously though, if ur gonna run your tight@rse brewery like a business, good on ya, coz we'll still have a top lhbs.
Cheap deals are good but not at the degredation of an even more valuable resource.
For those of us that have a great LHBS...
Just smile and wave boys......
...And we'll keep our lhbs, coz we might wanna buy the business one day, when we branch out from Brewing Yeast Production, into the lhbs market.
That's better for you too, coz when U bankrupt your lhbs and he does something desperate, and is no longer there, our lhbs will be open, and we'll have a major mail order business. Then, with all that buying power, we'll shut down all your puny so-called "bulk buys". (evil cackle - extended play).
...or we'll be there to help, as always, and offer U a fair price. Hmmm, U didn't expect that from a monopolistic megalomaniac, did U?
It would be like a bulk buy every time, without having to order bulk.
bulk buys are thus far very attractive.
That's cool. Your strategy works in favour of both of us (see above plan for world domination).
Too many more ideas. Brain is heating up. My head burns.
Ka-Blooey :excl: . Now see wot U did?
Seth (it's gonna take a while to clean up after that)
Cheerz to all...Testify! Thank U brothers!
Smilin' and wavin'

, like Shawn said.