The Vorlauf

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Hi ya all

I just want to throw around the process of vorlaufing particularly when peaople say

'once the runnings clear, direct the runoff to your kettle'

a) I use a SS braid manifold and it seems to take quite a bit of recircualting to get the wort to clear - sometimes it won't clear and then all of sundden goes almost perfect but I never know when this is going to happen

what about beers wth lots of wheat - do they usually go clear anyway?

B) I find the 'redirecting to kettle' a real nightmare - I have a clear tube running out of my tun which I run off into a 2 litre jug - when full I either have to turn off the tun tap or grab the hot plastic run off tube and throw it in the boiler - usually splashing hot wort all over the place

Does turning off the tap interupt clearing of wort - generally 2L recirc does not give me a clear wort - although there is no big chucks flowing through

and does it matter if the wort is slightly cloudy going into the boiler?

I am thinking of adding tee section with extra tap so that when wort is clear I can easily 'redirect the flow' without have to stuff around with a hot floppy tube full of wort splashing everywhere :unsure:

any thoughts ?

Although you don't want to have big chunks in the beer, you don't have to have crystal clear runnings going into the kettle either. This article may help to reassure you on that. I usually recycle a couple of litres and that will do. One way to stop the flow is to hold the end of the tube higher than the level of the liquid in the mash tun. Not sure if you can do that with your set up, but it's easier than closing a tap and no problem with stopping and starting the flow. Do you find that the slightly cloudy run off to the kettle leads to cloudy beer in your set up?
Pardon my simplistic approach to this :D

I stand there with two jugs, I fill one and quickly slip the other in place of it so as not to disturb the flow. I gently pour the full jug over the grain and get ready to repeat the exercise a few more times.

I've found that turning the flow off and on can just make things happen slower.


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