The Corona Virus (COVID 19) Thread

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I think if you contract the virus, toilet paper's probably the last thing you'll need but the herd mentality of countless numbers of idiots is simply mind blowing. People in punch ups, getting tazed & a woman pulling a knife over toilet paper is just ridiculous. Doomsday preppers wiping out all stock of toilet paper is just so damn stupid & totally unnecessary. FFS, wake up to yourselves & stop being driven by the one sided crap the media keeps pumping into your heads. For me personally, I'm just going to sit back & watch what unfolds & I'm so confident that my one bog a day routine probably won't change so I just bought one toilet roll just to prove that I'm not at all concerned with what's going on.

I think if you contract the virus, toilet paper's probably the last thing you'll need but the herd mentality of countless numbers of idiots is simply mind blowing. People in punch ups, getting tazed & a woman pulling a knife over toilet paper is just ridiculous. Doomsday preppers wiping out all stock of toilet paper is just so damn stupid & totally unnecessary. FFS, wake up to yourselves & stop being driven by the one sided crap the media keeps pumping into your heads. For me personally, I'm just going to sit back & watch what unfolds & I'm so confident that my one bog a day routine probably won't change so I just bought one toilet roll just to prove that I'm not at all concerned with what's going on.

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Where the hell do you buy just ONE toilet roll? The smallest pack I could find had 4 in it (which is what I bought cus there's a female in the house that seems to believe we have shares in a pulp mill)
Chicken Little's? The boy who cried Wolf! Stimulus of some sort. How advantageous may it be for some to scare the herds this way or that? Intentional or unintentional this is one interesting/disturbing social experiment.
Nothing to panic about and yet there is an unnerving observation of panic being displayed.
It seems that soap is the new toilet paper (as in the latest target for panic buying, not what you wipe your ring with......)
Coronavirus mortality rate and litres per capita annual beer consumption:

Italy: 7.1%, 34 L
Germany: 0.21%, 104 L

Get off the vino and back on bierra, folks.
I went to a beer festival in Tassie about 7 years ago. Half the people there had Corona! Made me sick!
? Princes Wharf Hobart , I think in December. That was a great event. Yeah there were buckets of Corona everywhere. I remember Carl from Moon Dog making fun of them.
for those who didn't notice Sydney skys today there was a hidden message . . . (wash hands)
? Princes Wharf Hobart , I think in December. That was a great event. Yeah there were buckets of Corona everywhere. I remember Carl from Moon Dog making fun of them.
No. It was right outside the Boags brewery in Launceston. Awesome weekend. And Corona Buckets everywhere!.
Who would go to a beer festival to drink Corona?
[QUOTE="Blackman, Who would go to a beer festival to drink Corona?[/QUOTE]

Who would go anywhere to drink Corona?
Is it even beer?

I called in to get some bread flour even that was gone, I think there are some seasoned doomsday preppers at work.

Holy f@ck that's the funniest **** I have seen so far!!!!

Well us Remote Rural types (in inverted commas)... you know... Hillbillies... that's how we shop normally furkers!!! You try wiping ya arse with a wombat??? The furkers are fast!!! But soooooooo soft and furry.... best thing is they clean their coat in just a jiffy ready for ya next turd... but thay maybe a little gun shy next time round... possibly a bit bitey... that's why possums are disposable one use really...

Oh yeah! Forgot? Yep you're all going to die...die...die... Devil forks in the air with double fist pump playing "DIE MY DEAR" Metallica version live garage days CD.

Don't look now but the great heist is happening as we speak... who benefits from a stock crash masked/veiled as a pandemic crisis? Don't look now but your beloved GOVT just took your cash away and your civil liberties via the pandemic... Bail in for the banker/robbers... alls well no?

Hoard beer and ammo my friends... it'll be your only chance against the Police State coming to a shopping mall near you...

I think if you contract the virus, toilet paper's probably the last thing you'll need but the herd mentality of countless numbers of idiots is simply mind blowing. People in punch ups, getting tazed & a woman pulling a knife over toilet paper is just ridiculous. Doomsday preppers wiping out all stock of toilet paper is just so damn stupid & totally unnecessary. FFS, wake up to yourselves & stop being driven by the one sided crap the media keeps pumping into your heads. For me personally, I'm just going to sit back & watch what unfolds & I'm so confident that my one bog a day routine probably won't change so I just bought one toilet roll just to prove that I'm not at all concerned with what's going on.

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I just got onto these ones

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