Thanks Ahb

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OK, Hers a big THANKYOU for everyone on this forum for all the advise and help. Without this knowledge i could never make the beers i'm making now.
I have now made 6 kit beers, 1 cider brew and now have just brewed something i hope is coles to a James Squire Golden Ale :icon_drool2:
My recepe was a Coopers Cervaza Kit with 200g steeped crystal grain, 1Kg of Dry Malt Extract and Amarillo hops (25g @ 15 min and 20g @ 5 min), whirpooled and then syphoned into a 5L (holds 6.5L) cube.
Will be fermenting on weekend with US-05 @ 18 degrees in an old fridge with 2L frozen bottles on rotation
I have even just purchased a Kegerator with twin taps and kegs should arrive early next week :party:
Again all the advise on this site is priceless and i couldnt have done it with out ya's
Cheers all, and happy brewing!
Welcome. the obsession has begun.
Welcome to the most slippery slope you have ever encountered!

Best hobby in the world! - You get beer as a result!

Anyway, I am sure I am not one of the ones you are thanking as I am an arrogant prick.. but on behalf of all those helpful posters, who helped you and, come to think of it, me the same, we say THANK YOU!

Not enough love around these parts!

stay away from this forum, never log in again, these people are EVIL

About 3 years ago I only wanted to make some ginger beer and now I am on a treadmill. I have two parallel all grain setups, three fridges devoted to brewing including a kegerator with three beers on tap always. Reverse osmosis water treatment. Grain mill and sacks of grain malt. they keep making me enter competitions. I won one and they sent us to New Zealand to a beer festival. Oh the horror. I only want to drink goon wine but they won't let me. It's a cult.
Don't let them suck you in.

I'm trapped in a home brewery, please rescue me - sorry gotta go, second hop addition about to take place...............
First post for ages but that's hilarious
