T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

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Have to get you round for a brew day mate!

May be brewing an Alt on Saturday if you're keen...


Sh*t! Im a groomsman in a wedding this saturday :-\

Definately keen to head around though for a brew day Tyler, Slowly piecing together (read: saving) this BIAB setup ;-D
Sh*t! Im a groomsman in a wedding this saturday :-\

Definately keen to head around though for a brew day Tyler, Slowly piecing together (read: saving) this BIAB setup ;-D

All good. Will be plenty of time... :beerbang:
MaltyHops - Belgian Blonde

As per a previous post not exactly blonde. However it has some nice belgian yeast character, definate subtle spiciness and mild phenols. Low in carbonation, I would be excited to see how this brew would fair with increased carbonation to encourage a bigger head when poured. It does not feel like a 6%+ brew, but bloody easy to drink.

I would not say no to another one of these, maybe next version lighten it up in colour and push the temp up a little to bring out a little more belgian yeast complexities.

But now my glass is empty and I am still thirsty! :icon_cheers:
AussieJosh's Dark Ale

Pours dark with some nice red hues. Quite clear, too. Small and long lasting head. Dark malt in the aroma, a little choc? Same in the flavour - slight sweetness upfront that fades to a dry (very slight astringent?) finish. Couldn't pick up any cascade hops - a more malt forward beer. Well brewed :icon_cheers:

Would like to try one with more cascade :)

edit formatting
Gunna JWBA

banana and bubblegum on the nose, quite pleasant. Follows through to the flavour, fair amount of esters, no noticeable hop (although it was displaying some Dan Murphy's syndrome) some good malt. Nice smooth bitterness, well balanced. A well made and nice beer but I suspect slightly passed its prime. I suspect this would be a cracker fresh.
MaltyHops - Belgian Blonde

As per a previous post not exactly blonde. However it has some nice belgian yeast character, definate subtle spiciness and mild phenols. Low in carbonation, I would be excited to see how this brew would fair with increased carbonation to encourage a bigger head when poured. It does not feel like a 6%+ brew, but bloody easy to drink.

I would not say no to another one of these, maybe next version lighten it up in colour and push the temp up a little to bring out a little more belgian yeast complexities.

But now my glass is empty and I am still thirsty! :icon_cheers:
Ta - I quite like it as well. I think I know why it's a bit dark - the kilo of dark brown sugar
I tossed in to add a bit of "molasses" candi flavour might have had something to do with it.

Discovered 2 crates of beer on my back verandah when i got home from work tonight (cheers Boston!).

Will chill them down and get stuck into them asap.

Re - diacetyl/acetaldehyde in my bo pils - I'd trust other peoples diacetyl detectors well before mine, i can't taste it till it's there in spades and am not picking anything. Acetaldehyde i can spot but am not picking it but that's not to say it isn't there. IIRC QB is the acetaldehyde calibration standard.

Hopefully when vintage finishes and i reclaim my fermenters and fridges back from the chardonnay (whole bunch pressed for extra **** factor) in them i will rebrew this. This was step 2 of a bo pils mash pH experiment, the final batch will use unaltered rainwater with the pH adjusted using acid.

Recipe for those interested

100% JW pils to OG 1.048.
Perle at 60 for total IBU of 39
Czech Saaz at 20 and 0 mins - 1g/L
CaCl2 and CaSO4 added to rainwater - Ca 73, Cl 69, SO4 80
Decoction 52 - 64C with a thin decoction mashout - 78C.
WLP833 German Bock yeast fermented at 9C for 3 weeks, 3 day diacetlyl rest (16C), chilled at 2C per day till 1C then racked and lagered at 1C for 4 weeks. Polyclar added after 2 weeks.
Carbonation is via old school white sugar using the large scoop on the double scoop carb thingamy :beerbang:
Gunna's Aussie Pale Ale

Very bloody nice. Similar to the Aussie Ale I make, but mine throws more banana...

What was the ferment temp on this mate...?

Loving this beer (it is forever going to be my house beer(especially since I just ordered 1kg of POR cones from Ellerslie :huh: ))

I chose it as my first to drink out of the bunch cause I'm still technically on standby... Next up is your JWBA

Drinking some of Hatchy's swap case.
So Far...

Awesome fury - Pale Ale with plenty of loveliness, fruity and citrus hops and full malt, very clean and wonderfull

Peas and Corn - Not so red, great beer, well brewed, clean to almost rich malty toffee and dark malts, wicked.

More to come, sorry notes might be light on, drinking is of the more concern right now.

jayse (and hatchy)
I would hope it's not red, it's a brown ale!

Lovely brown ale!
Drinking now Kirens IPA - American Hops simcoe and columbus and full malt, lovely beer, wicked finish of both malt and hops, the citrus character of the hops seem lending to grapefruit but even orange. Some reasonable sweetness and good depth of malt character. Very much like my latest one.

Curry Night at Hatchy's
Brewed a 10 min IPA today and thought I'd try one of the case swap examples:

25. Boston - 10min IPA

Pours a cloudy copper colour with a small white head which persists to the end of the glass leaving a lovely lace. Aroma is a balance of hops and malt, no noticeable esters or yeast character. Upon tasting the first thing that hits you is "fruit salad" which quickly balances to a suburb combination of malt, hops and lingering bitterness. Low carbonation which suits this beer perfectly.

This is a great beer, my only complaint is that I only have (had) one bottle of it (the missus is away and she's missed out, she will be disappointed!).

Cheers and thanks for swapping. :icon_cheers:
The Mayor's Stout

Tasty stout this one, easy drinker with good off white head. Limited notes on me as I drank this one last night at my cousin's 40th.

Great roasty flavours, thick and dark! Yum!
Hatchy's Pale

No gushers on this one for me, fairly lively in the glass when poured though. This a really nice easy drinking beer imo, lightly hopped with good balance. Certainly some haze from the yeast, and minimal lasting head, that laces the whole glass.

A cracker overall, happy with this brew Hatchy. :icon_cheers:
malty Hops - 'forgot to do the roots' belgian blonde
lovely spicey citrus fruit belg type aroma, sweet malt. very inviting. hint on banana and tobacco in the flavour, some coffee/choc, sweet finish, well balanced, no hot alc. very tasty and well made beer. only comment would be trying to get that flufffy white Belg head.

Phils 10 cent IPA
v noticeable caramel aroma with a hint of dusty esters.the flavour is a big bang of tasty citrus and fruit salad (pineapple) hop flavour. the carb is v high. there is a sweet caramel finish that lingers but is balanced by the lingering bitterness and hop flavour. I found the caramel a touch too much with the pineapple hop but still beautiful beer. I'd really like to get into this in the keg as I suspect the bottle conditioning may have depleted the aroma a touch.

Smurto - the diacetyl was at first whiff, it was the first thing I picked up before I starte getting the malt and hops. it was hard to pick as I went through.
Awesome Fury's Pale

Tasty clean brew this one, my only gripe is the choice in hops, it tastes a little thin and not sure it helps the hops in beer shine. What hops were used in this one fella? I could be way off of course, just my initial thoughts on the brew. :)

Otherwise, good clean bitterness, minimal lingering head, clear and light golden in colour.
Awesome Fury's Pale

Tasty clean brew this one, my only gripe is the choice in hops, it tastes a little thin and not sure it helps the hops in beer shine. What hops were used in this one fella? I could be way off of course, just my initial thoughts on the brew. :)

Otherwise, good clean bitterness, minimal lingering head, clear and light golden in colour.

umm dont have beer smith loaded atm. but it was a crap load of Cascade and Nelson. at least a 100g of each from memory.

I didnt really run it through a strainer so it's kinda full of hop floaties.. mistake i wont do again... basically came down to laziness....

I find Cascade has a funny taste when you use to much.. but i really like it and nelson together.

** no dry hop btw
Thanks for the info mate, I was wondering if it was indeed the dry hopping. Maybe a little more time in the bottle to let the hops mellow, or maybe it was the sheer amount of hoppy goodness within. The aroma initially when opened and poured was fantastic mate.
Simma's American Amber

Really nice beer this one. Good malt with a slight push to the bitterness.
Head dissipates quickly but not to the detriment of the beer at all.
I get a slight hit of caramel on the nose initially!
Cant fault this brew at all. Post up the recipe Simma (if you are happy to share)! :icon_cheers:

TonyC's ESB

This was one lively bottle of beer! It bubbled up for quite some time, and slowly bubbled up a bit for a while after I thought it had finished. During the early period, a lot of this foam was made up of very large bubbles, my guess this is a product of the overcarbing. Aroma gives some malt, but not too much. Taste has a bit of bite in it which could be due to the overcarbing, there's heaps of effervescence in the beer and this gives it a prickly mouthfeel. Overall it's a nice beer, if I had a 'pocket sparkler' I would use it to knock CO2 out of it to make it easier to go down. Sorry for going on about the carbonation level so much, it has affected the beer quite a bit. Ignoring that part, it's what I expect from an ESB- a nice, easy to drink beer.

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