I'm about to pull the trigger on a six pack, plus extra Geronimo and Citralicious. A few questions:
Shipping to Sydney is $10.55, which makes it a significant part of the total purchase price. Is that Express Post? How much more stuff can I add at that postage price?
Is there a verdict on how well this works in a keg? I noticed there were some reservations from few people. Initially I was thinking of adding to half an already carbonated keg of rye IPA. For the next batch it would be straight into the keg, then transfer from primary on top of the hop shots to ensure good mix at room temperature. I'll probably let it sit in keg at room temp for 5 or so days, which I hope will improve the solubility and blending. After that I'll chill and carbonate using a 0.5 micron stone and carb lid.
I'd like to get hopping profile similar to Green Flash Palate Wrecker or Moylan's Hopsickle IPA. Any suggestions as to what mix/quantities would work in a 19L keg?