Finally - thanks to:
Screwtop for PM'ed advice on mashing
Cocko for PM'ed advice on manifolds
Yardy for an easy to follow step by step on manifolds
Chappo for sending me his old manifold absolutely free (including postage). It didn't fit my tun but it gave me an indication that I was on the right track and was a magnanimous gesture from a person I've never met. I'll be helping a kit brewer go AG soon and Chappo's manifold will be put to good use as a result.
Butters for loads of great advice ever since joining
Brendo for demonstrating slightly higher tech AG than mine
Sappas for letting me taste all grain beer and offering me equipment loans and picking up my grain and lending me yeast and generally being a champ.
Been there! :excl: and burnt a finger or two when cutting the tube with an angle grinder. Hot copper burns you uber quick.I nearly forgot; don't forget to cut your finger at least once:
my 1 and only gripe, had you been listening to butters you would have known to put the kitten in the airlock not the mash tunh34r:
You have to mash the kitten in order to fit it in the airlock.
Excellent work there Manticle
I have to say im glad you didnt go BIAB though... hate to think what you would of done to yourself with a sewing machine![]()
8. Now to brew:
First of all, pour yourself a nice glass of your last partial mash brew:
It's not a proper brewday unless something goes wrong
Even with ready made equipment things go wrong so an ability to problem solve is recommended.