Guys, if the dough for shiny new kit or your aptitude with tools are issues, take heart in what manticle says- Nick's
AG for <$30 is an excellent starting point for anyone unsure about where to get going with AG. The risk in buying unsuitable equipment is so minimal with stockpot BIABing, it is pretty simple and straight- forward, while Nick's guide pretty much covers all the bases.
I'm still at the 'start' myself, but 40- odd batches later I'm knocking out a TTL in my scabby old 19L stockpot and a hand-me-down BIAB bag (thanks again buddy!) which ticks all the boxes, both for myself and other more critical and less impartial reviewers. So, if you're worried about cost or complex equipment, there is still a very simple way to give it a go that produces excellent beers. FYI, I've got a couple of legit stainless firkins (40L kegs) that I had grand plans for in a traditional multi- vessel system, but I just haven't seen the desperate need to change from that trusty stockpot and tired old bag (BIAB bag that is...)... yet...
However, manticle has laid out all the issues in starting up with the copper manifold and esky, if you're capable, give this method and equipment a go, for sure! :super:
Ps. Sorry manticle to link to a 'competing' thread... I have been soundly beaten anyway...