Most of what I've learned came from Palmer's how to brew and being a regular on this site.
Yep. Basicbrewing podcasts are interesting and informative, as well. (it was actually Muckey getting the BB dvd that pushed me into only took him a year or so after that to get off his fat @$se and follow :lol: )
But there is soo much info on this site.....simple answer is to read. Go to the article section, and read it....
all (article contributors tend to get a bit $hitty, even if they don't voice it, when people post a question for the umpteenth time, when it's clearly mentioned in the article that they took so long to write.)
Go to the partial and AG section, and browse through the post titles...there are
sooo many 'first AG' threads, detailing peoples experiences, questions, and requests for fact, I think that the "my first AG" threads hold sooo many little gems....because something
unexpected comes up on a virgin brew, it gets mentioned in the thread, and more experienced brewers pop up with the answer. It also helps put things in perspective for new brewers, as experienced brewers sometimes can't help themselves, and get a bit technical without even thinking about it...
And one other you currently steep grain? If so, then try to keep in mind one truism....mashing grain is not entirely dissimilar to steeping grain. It's just an extension of it....
to quote Beerfingers quoting myself...."it's not F$%^ing rocket science". :lol: