I hooked up the meters as they were supposed to be connected. I think the repaired lm317 is now dead.. At least it only wants to put out 10v. Hoping the other one is OK.
There was a point raised by the Electric brewery people that you could run both off the same power supply or the panels would blow but I actually managed to blow both separately!
I got the volts out from the LM317 down to 5v and hooked up the Ammeter. All good. Hooked it up to the shunt (disconnecting power each time I opened the panel). Turn it on, Bang! tripped circuit and a dead ammeter.
Did the same with the Voltmeter off the other power supply, ran by itself fine, hooked it up to hot and neutral and Bang, same thing but no circuit trip this time.
There must be something weird like a potential difference? I dont know but I do know I now need 2x more meters..
EDIT: Maybe it was a DC shunt.. .I had a few lying around. Is there a difference?