Spent Grain - A Use Other Than The Bin?

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Gout, some veggies are extremely ornamental and can be incorporated sneakily amongst other plants. Eggplants are really attractive and as I found to my surprise this year are perennials, producing fruit year after year, as are the more robust shrub like chilli plants, and garlic chives look exactly like those trendy ornamental grasses....
i have 3 hops plants - never had a hop from them :(

so i only have them to look at and pray before them.

the patch is..... a patch say 1m wide 2m deep

worst bit is the lemon tree is near it, and 1/2 in under the roof that over hangs. the only good thing is the water tank is 3m away so i plan a poly tarp over a frame, then having it spray at about 9pm to keep it wet and save as much water as possible (eg light mist) and hope the plastic keeps the water from drying out. however i know very little about the garden.
steve if i asked for there not to be a veg patch it would have been there already :)

ohhhhh, you got one of those! Good luck with it all. It'd probably help if you didnt drag a dead deer home for sunday dinner though :lol:
Here's another option, grow oyster mushrooms.

It's pretty damn easy. 1st make make a starter culture, for this all you have to do is soak some newspaper in hot water, (to satitise and wet it). Then chop off the stems of some oyster mushies and wrap these up in the wet newspaper. After a while you should see white cotton wool like growth when this covers the newspaper it time to plant it out.

this is where you use the grain. Boil the spent grain to sterilise it, then put into a platic bag. After it has cooled down to room temp, (overnight), tear off chucnks of the newspaper and put into the grain. Mix and wait.

When the white growth covers the grain punch holes in the bag, this should stimulate the mushrooms to grow, (make sure the room is humid enough).

hey presto mushrooms!
sadly i cant eat mushrooms.... just dont like the taste - maybe because my dad forced me to eat ones loaded with sand as a kid ohhh the the grit

the grain in the soil has gone down well and when i dropped the "oh i dug the grain into the dirt to make it better for growing veg" i got the oh thats a good idea

brewer 1 SWMBO 0
+1 for the chooks.

We get mice in our compost bin, which is fortunately next to the chicken coop. The chooks eat the mice - they swallow them whole like a snake might. Quite something to watch. :) I'm still waiting for a furry egg.

+1 for the chooks.

We get mice in our compost bin, which is fortunately next to the chicken coop. The chooks eat the mice - they swallow them whole like a snake might. Quite something to watch. :) I'm still waiting for a furry egg.


I saw this happen a few weeks ago too. Was turning the compost (pile, not a bin) and a mouse took off but straight into the chook run. 4 chooks played tag with it for a bit before it got eaten.....

Furry eggs! :lol:

The chooks know when they are getting grain. The minute they see me head their way with the blue bucket in hand they are going nuts, squawking at me. They love the stuff.

I should market the eggs as being free range, grain fed!
Gout, you did say she was a girlfriend right? i.e no ring, less committment, easier to walk away (wink wink, nudge nudge)

No offence bud but it sounds like you are a little under the thumb. You are a MAN goddamit! A hunter, the one who provides!! Growing food is not an optional thing, it's your goddam RESPONSIBILITY!

Grow a set mate, and build the biggest damn vegie garden you want, add chooks, heck chuck a cow and a sheep in there, who gives a stuff if you live in a 4th floor studio apartment! What vegetarian doesn't want a vegie patch. No wonder you have to leave at 2am just to go shoot something...

(all in jest mate, I'm sure she's lovely)

As for the grain - well, my wife is excited I'm making the move into AG, she already has plans for the leftover grain - chooks and worms.
Gout, I'd be telling her your turning into a vegie to grow your own produce. By the sounds of it she'll come home with a leg of lamb for dinner. Problem solved. Reverse physcology. Got to be on your toes.

As far as mice eating chickens....thats just bizarre!

I like the idea about growing mushrooms from spent grain.
Trouble is, I'd end up with a lotta mushrooms, and then have to start a thread: "What to do with the mushrooms you grow from all the spent grain ?"

Good on pizza. Good on the BBQ.
I even had a friend who made mushroom icecream, which wasn't as bad as it sounds :blink:

Gee I'd love to see a chicken eat a mouse.
It may be time to change religions. :lol:

Our lager,
Which art in barrels,
Hallowed by thy drink.
Thy will be drunk, (I will be drunk),
At home as it is in the pub.
Give us this day our foamy head,
And forgive us our spillages,
As we forgive those who spill against us.
And lead us not to incarceration,
But deliver us from hangovers.
For thine is the beer, The bitter, The lager.

I wish I knew this back in Sunday school :)
Our lager,
Which art in barrels,
Hallowed by thy drink.
Thy will be drunk, (I will be drunk),
At home as it is in the pub.
Give us this day our foamy head,
And forgive us our spillages,
As we forgive those who spill against us.
And lead us not to incarceration,
But deliver us from hangovers.
For thine is the beer, The bitter, The lager.

I wish I knew this back in Sunday school :)

That is going up on the shed/brewhaus wall in Old English font for sure!!
Idea totally out of left field for you:
Reuse the grain in another beer!

Yes, you've probably used up all of the sugary goodness from the grain itself, and if you've left it a while, it's probably soured a bit, and this is more of an experimental thing than anything else.
But you'll find adding the spent grain (particularly if it was quite dark and/or malty) will still add some extra colour and flavour to a brew when chucked into the mash. It will also add a bit more body to it.
Even if you just make another batch with a couple of kilos of base malt mashed with another beers grist, it'll make something interesting. Although you're then left with even MORE spent grain, contributing to the initial problem MORESO...but hey, you wind up with more beer right?
Even if you just make another batch with a couple of kilos of base malt mashed with another beers grist, it'll make something interesting. Although you're then left with even MORE spent grain, contributing to the initial problem MORESO...but hey, you wind up with more beer right?

Aarrgghh! It's turtles [or spent grain] all the way down! :ph34r:
If people are having trouble with mice in the compost bins, try leaving out breads and meat. that stuff goes in our worm farm now and have not had any mice.

But if i get some chickens as planned i will definitely put meat in the compost and watch some mouse v chicken cage match when there is nothing else to do

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