Oh look, Stagga's communicated his thoughts with
another picture! Bravo. I do enjoy your style so.
Hi Jase,
It funny that some Christians actually have a similar attitude to Christmas as many posted here (i.e. its all a heap of crap).
An issue to many Christians parents is what to do about Santa - I thought you might find the following article from the Sydney Anglican website helpful to understand the thoughts that some 'devout' Christians think about Christmas:
Is Santa Homeless?
Phonos, you raise a very good article, and one that I consider often. A christian who refuses to buy into the santa myth is in fact more true to the concept of christmas that non (or dormant) believers who go through the motions.
It was mentioned earlier that it's part of
our culture... Let's keep in mind that the white man's Australia was formed by brute force only 220 years ago, (yes, this is
fact, not kooky leftwing rhetoric) and compared to other historical movements that we study, it's not a very long time at all. Therefore Christmas is only a recent introduction, hardly something that can be idenified as a cultural aspect of this land. Add to that a steady stream of legitimate immigration over the past 50 years (ie 1/4 of the timeframe of this new heritage people claim) where non-christian Asian & Middle Eastern influences are now reshaping this country's identity (
legally, and
without force), then we need to ask ourselves if christmas is really identifiable with Australia at all. Roast lunch & fake snow ina hot, subtropical environmemt? Gimme a break.
So what is it to identify oneself as "Australian"..... those young lebanese muslim boys we read about in the mainstream media who get into fights, stab, shoot & rape etc, you know what.... most of them are born
right here, therefore are they not as Australian as the rest of us ? The racists among you will balk at that, but it's the truth. A multicultural background is the very basis of the new face of Australia, and with that comes a new charachter to our society, and not always adhering to a fading christian idealism. Bloodlines for many older 'aussies' might be Irish, English, German, Italian etc etc, so what makes this element any more superior than a born national with a family history from Syria, China or India........