Chappo: As for Jase71 shoot down some other topic mate.
I was the topic starter, people didn't 'need' to respond so vehemently. A simple "Screw You, Commie" would have sufficed.
homekegger1: This is my final word on this subject.
You sure?
homekegger1: Jase you are a peanut
I am not a peanut, I am a free man. (paraphrase)
homekegger1: It (ANZAC Day) is not a political day for blokes like you that think hypocrisy and atrocity should have light shed upon them. "Free tibet" F*^K me mate, look in your own backyard and realise that we have problems here in Australia too.
Yes, we do. Still.... despite all those galliant efforts of our forefathers. What have YOU done lately to support those in need, in 'our own backyard'? And who exactly are you to suggest that people shouldn't conduct open discussion into specific subject matter on this day ? Aren't you argueing that freedom is paramount, or does that come with conditions ?
homekegger1: Pull your head out of your death metal music
Huh? Tonight I have been listening to Cat Stevens, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Buffalo Springfield and the Tea Party. Oh yea, and a little bit of the German band Sodom, if that makes you feel better.
homekegger1: Tomorrow stay home with a fist where it belongs.
In the air, proudly raising my fist in resistance ? I have absolutely no shame in my objectional demeanour, irrespective of how unpopular I might be in your circles.
homekegger1: I am a proud Australian, who is willing to put my life on the line for this great country. I am a serving member of the defence force and I will always remember those that have fallen. Be it WW1 or East Timor. They fight with courage and honour. Something that you IMHO lack, sitting at your computer in the safety of your home away from any human contact.
You assume that I would not enter into such discussion with people on a face-to-face basis. Quite a shallow evaluation from someone who hasn't met me & , considering that I take EVERY opportunity to speak about issues past & present with servicemen. The last talk I had was with an Australian Naval-Government-Militant who was so sucked in to idea that the Indonesian Government are Australia's biggest threat. Is that what they have all current armed forces members beleive ? Is that what they teach you to think too ? From where I'm sitting, I can't see any agressive millitary invasion of this country anytime soon...... but hey, I hope your millitant career is working out for you. Many thanks for taking the angle of personal slurs against me to illustrate your objection towards the opening post.
Chappo: Remember mateship, loyalty, honour and bravery built this country.
No, what built this country (socialogically, not geologically) was first the murderous domination over a native peoples. Followed by a steady influx of immigration in the last 40 years. The "Yellow Peril" paranoia is over, brother.
manticle: @Jayse: I'm pretty cynical about a lot of ceremony too but some people need it, some people want it and some people love it. The grand final gets shoved in my face far more than ANZAC day,
Please be careful not to misrepresent member's 'handles' (ie screen names). "Jayse" is an entirely different entity, and I am sure that he would not want to have mud wrongly slung towards his good standing as a result of my controversial diatribes. That aside, you raise a good point, Manticle. I think the ANZAC feeling is all about 'ceremony', and we've all grown up to be conditioned into the mindset that it's 'the done thing' to 'respect the diggers'. I don't particularly disrespect the idea, and I have not eluded to such, but at the same time I cannot simply follow suit because it's the expected and anticipated behaviour. Good on the veterans, I also have family ties that fought in WW2, Korea, & Vietnam. However I shall re-iterate my question - when will it end ? The original ANZAC's are all dead, aren't they ? If we keep celebrating their alleged achievements, or the 'fight for our freedom', does is then become as vacuous as the dogmatic idealism of Christianity, and the story of Jesus dying for our sins ?
manticle: @ Chappo: I know it's a sacred day for a lot of people but the term 'unaustralian' is in itself pretty unaustralian. Australia is a place of diverse cultures, ideas and grudging respect for people who speak their mind, even if you think it's horseshit. Please; say it's horseshit by all means but don't use that phrase. It reminds me of a certain PM who doubled as Mr sheen on occasion.
Exactly. What does it mean to be "Australian"? Do my (admittedly) often controversial viewpoints strip me of the right to call myself "Australian"? I'm friggin' Dinki-Di.. FFS, someone's even gone so far as to label me of a specific heritage..... as follows:
Jase u r just another country's paranoia,your arab parents prolly felt the same way in their new country.
WTF ? Is that all you have to offer ? Did our fallen forefathers fight for our freedom in order for you to make such misguided comments ? Inshallah you will learn to respect all some day. Perhaps you might even learn to communicate correctly outside of internet vernacular such as 'prolly'.......
browndog: Jase1, your other threads are OK in my book, but when you start to question ANZAC day, well, you can &%$# ^%% you really showed your true colours and I won't be reading anymore of your crap.
So I'm all cool in your books, as long as I don't speak of subjects that you don't agree with ? That must be a selective freedom. It's pointless to adress your post further, because you won't be reading anyway.
staggalee: Honestly, it just never ceases to amaze me, you blokes know you are being suckered, but you never fail to rush in and reply to Jase`s baits.
The Stag is my biological father, He's the darth Vader to my Luke... so his evaluations are quite spot on, and his timely warnings are apt. I love you, Pappa. Take the spark from my thunder as you have always done.
Listen to the man with the husky voice, people.