:lol: It ain't. It's about interrupting the sperm conduits. Vasectomy, not circumcision. But truth be told I can see how you could arrive at that conclusion.
Oh, and for Jerry: TWICE? Isn't the ability to heal remarkable? Not only did the surgeon remove a portion of the ductwork but he also folded over and stitched down the ends. I hope they don't have to go in for renos. How did you find out it didn't take? A baby?
i had ping and pong decommisioned 12 yrs ago,it was'nt till later in the day that i realised it was my birthday,out for tea with the entire family they all pissed them selves laughiing when i walked into the pub bow leged .and my sister gave me a joke book, lying in bed that night reading the book i was laughing so much i was damn near crying.Fortunately no baby newguy.
Sperm count test.
Had to spend a few intimate minutes by myself with a little plastic jar with a yellow lid a couple of weeks after the butchering.
Results a couple of days later found traces of sperm still present. Not unusual I was told.
Another intimate moment with the jar a week later.........................result....................increase in sperm numbers!
Did the test one more time (maybe I am a ******)....................result....................sperm numbers increased again!
So off to see the Doc again and the response is; Sorry but it obviously didn't work. Unusual but not unheard of apparently.
We'll have to do it again!
It wasn't any more fun the second time either.
Fortunately no baby newguy.
Sperm count test.
Had to spend a few intimate minutes by myself with a little plastic jar with a yellow lid a couple of weeks after the butchering.
Results a couple of days later found traces of sperm still present. Not unusual I was told.
Another intimate moment with the jar a week later.........................result....................increase in sperm numbers!
Did the test one more time (maybe I am a ******)....................result....................sperm numbers increased again!
So off to see the Doc again and the response is; Sorry but it obviously didn't work. Unusual but not unheard of apparently.
We'll have to do it again!
It wasn't any more fun the second time either.
Id call ******** on that Doc Jerry. sue the doc or at least not pay the bastard! i recon thats crap. i dont know and have nothing to back my thoughts up but it sound like bollocks to me.
I thought it was common knowledge that vasectomies can fail (though it might be a low chance).
Delivering the sample is probably the hardest part of the process.