Snippety Snip

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:lol: :lol: :lol: I'll send you the bill for my new keyboard.

WTF! Is the old one covered in wallpaper glue ? The photo can't have been that exciting.

Is it even possible for a thread about tackle-slashing to wander off into bad taste territory?
BTW, whats gonna happen if it suddenly gets real cold (the weather that is), wont it tighten up down there? (your ballsack that is)

It will just reverse all the fricking pulling the surgeon did. Seriously, my nuts have never been as cold as they have the past 11 hours, which ironically will boost sperm production. The post-op nurse told me to go home immediately and put on an icepack for as long as I can tolerate it. To use her words, "Once it starts to swell, there's almost no way to stop it from swelling up to the size of a grapefruit. You don't want that. Keep them cold - it will keep the swelling down."
2 kids and that's enough for my wife and I. Definitely not a preemptive strike.
hmmm maybe i should wait to get my other ankle reconstruction until I get the snip. if im going to laid out on my back dopped out pain killers and out of action I may as well do it all at one time!

hang on, your awake? I thought it was a general anethetic? its only a local? F*ck that!
I can't believe this the 29th post relating to one member's, um, goods.

Newguy, have your 'love mechanics' ever received this much attention?
Im planning on getting this done next year. Im hoping it doesnt hurt too much but sounds ok. Not sure about canada, but here, if you're youngish ( im thirty next march ) it's apparently hard to get someone to do it. Im scared the "goods" may be affected, but so far i've heard it doesnt affect, ahem, mr happy's performance hahaha. Fingers crossed anyway!

Having a pint for you now!!

BTW i have no.3 due in a few months
Been there done that.
Only had the one day away from work.

I did get some bruising though. About the only time ever in my life I could say I was hung like a black fellow (with due apologies to people with non pink skin).
Its pretty easy to get it done here if you are under 30 and already have a litter, I was done at 28, but no. 4 was on the way so no one was going to argue that I didn't have enough kids.

I wound up with a black hard bruise the size of you thumb nail on each side. The big key is to not lift anything heavy for a week, otherwise you can rupture and then forget the grapefruit you get a soccer ball. :blink:

Local anaesthetic only, although my Doc told me that 1% of blokes are not anatomically suited to a local and require a general.
3 weeks and counting til I go get myself "tutored".

Doc has recommended a general anaesthetic, rather than a local.

I'm hoping it's not because he tends to get a bit rough down there :(
I can't believe this the 29th post relating to one member's, um, goods.

Newguy, have your 'love mechanics' ever received this much attention?

:huh: :( Never. <_<

I'm a member of the Safe Blower's Club... my wife began having really bad reactions to the pill, along with the fact that I could put a brew down once a month with what it cost to buy them. So faced with a life of showering in a raincoat, I got the op..

It was pretty painless. Once you get over the fact that some dude has his hands all over your boys, cold cold hands too... :blink:... it's not so bad. I had the next day off, had a little bruising but not too bad. Sure it was a bit tender, feels a bit like that dull ache you have about an hour after you've copped a knee to the nuts on the footy field.
what painkillers did they hook you up with?
Actually no painkillers at all. They told me to take some acetaminophen if needed. I didn't need any as the freezer pack helped a lot. That and staying still - movement isn't completely "fluid" yet due to a bit of discomfort.
Just another one of those interesting little life experiences to go through. :huh:

Unfortunately for me I had to have it done twice! :eek:

First one was unsuccessful.

Good luck newguy. :beer: