Small Swap - 6 X Longnecks In Syd - Anyone Keen?

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Phrakie - done, my friend - only two more to go and we'll have the second round completed too!

I'm currently sipping on a very well hopped ESB Pale Ale - a little young (hense a bitter sharpness), but really nice, fulfilling beer.

Cheers - Mike
i reckon barls should put in more... that vanilla bean honey amber ale sounds good!!! :p
I'll probably do a lager if you can put me down for that please Mike.

andrewl said:
i reckon barls should put in more... that vanilla bean honey amber ale sounds good!!! :p
I'll probably do a lager if you can put me down for that please Mike.


I'll cheers that - when he put down 'either [blah] or Vanilla Bean Honey Amber Ale' I was like - get that thing down in writing so he can't recall! :beerbang:

I really hope my Warming Ale carbonates and pours properly - I havn't bottled for ages and guessed at 1 tsp per 750ml longneck - at worst it'll be bubbly, but have bugger all head.

Talk about 'beer' your soul to the rest of the world!

Cheers - Mike
Well I'll be rushing down to the LHBS on Sat morning so I can quickly get a brew down... Just got a pils kit finishing carbonating... But it's only the basic kit (wanted to see what it was like so I could build on it).

You have heaps of time. At this rate you'll be able to primary for a week, secondry for another week, bottle, let it sit for two weeks at 20deg then lager for 5 weeks in the fridge - should be a winner!

Cheers - Mike
Mike, bulk prime your 4.5L of beer before filling the 6 longnecks.

Using BeerIsGood's bulk priming calc, for 4.5L of beer, primed at 20C, for a Lager or light Ale beer - Use 27gms of dextrose (or do the conversions if you want to use Dried Malt Extract - I think it's 30% more?)


Based on the same calcs, use 4.5gms of Dex in each bottle.

id have to check what i have in the cupboard but i might be able to bring some stubbies of said beer if those involve in the 2nd swap are interested in trying it. its not a hard recipe but not one i have at hand as im currently away with work and dont get back till the 19th of june
Hope so Mike... Thinking about entering it in The Country Brewer comp in July (mainly for feedback... I don't expect to win <_< )

Phrak said:
Gulpa - I'll be keen to compare our porters! This was the first one I made, so I'm keen to hear from others who know the style :)

Hi Phrak,

This is my first porter also. It will be good to compare. I brewed this one for the father-in-law to drink when he comes around. He loves a dark beer. But after tasting it in the fermentor, Im not sure how much of it he is going to see ;) .

I'll meekly put my hand up for the 2nd mini swap, how long have I got to get it ready?

I've got four on the go at the moment, ESB wheat (Boozy treated) Coopers stout, liquorice stout, and some other mishmash coopers bavarian with honey and malt...

Not really game to say which one i'd offer, gotta taste them first myself. :blink:
Great Boozy! :) The exact timing for the 2nd swap hasn't been set yet, but I guess it depends on how long it takes everyone to get their beer ready.

If I had to guess, I'd say not before the 1st July.

Thinking about it a bit more, potentially we could even do it on the same day as the first swap. There's 7weeks between now and 01/07, so some beers might be a bit young, but there's no harm in having a "Best after" date on the beer once they've been swapped I guess.

But I'm happy with whatever :beerbang:

Alright then - Phrak (Tim), good call, if you all agree then I'm happy to do a double drop on that Saturday morning - therefore:

Swap Part 1:

BenHobbs - IPA
Phrak - Slightly Robust Porter
MVZOOM - Tigers Winter Warmer Sparkling Ale
Rob Angell - Bobs Burping Bitter
Barls - Vanilla Bean Honey Amber Ale
Peter Wadey -
Gulpa - Scottish Ale

Swap Part 2:

Andrewl - Unidentified Satisfying Lager
MVZOOM - Loafing Little Lager
Gulpa - Porter
Boozy le Clown - Unconfirmed, but they all look the goods
Phrak - American Pale Ale

Just need one more victim - I mean, volunteer.... ;)

Cheers - MIke

Cheers - Mike
Swap Part 1:

BenHobbs - IPA
Phrak - Slightly Robust Porter
MVZOOM - Tigers Winter Warmer Sparkling Ale
Rob Angell - Bobs Burping Bitter
Barls - Vanilla Bean Honey Amber Ale
Peter Wadey -
Gulpa - Scottish Ale

Swap Part 2:

Andrewl - Unidentified Satisfying Lager
MVZOOM - Loafing Little Lager
Gulpa - Porter
Boozy le Clown - Unconfirmed, but they all look the goods
Phrak - American Pale Ale
Thommo - Another American Pale Ale

Seventh victim accounted for.
Just a suggestion for your swap, seeing as it is only six bottles and seven people, you could think about making it at someone's place and everyone bringing a bottle along from their brew. Then you could have a tasting of each on the day as well as the swap. If you spread the tasting over two hours, it will not put you over the limit.

There is nothing like sitting down with other keen brewers, drinking, comparing notes and chatting.

If it all worked out, you could do something similar every few months and change the location to another brewer's house.
Yeah, I've been thinking about it as well, it would be much nicer to have a sit-down coffee/beer. I'm easy for eather the morning or afternoon as well.

I'm more than happy to volunteer my house (in Baulkham Hills) for any of the swapsies :) Dunno what the missus will say about it though, but it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission :p
Just bottled the wheat and put down a ginger beer. Assume the panel would prefer "real" beer for swap 2, rather than ginger? :) Looking forward to it!
Insight, I'm more than happy to receive a Ginger as long as it's alcoholic :p
There's non-alcoholic ginger beer? :blink: Who would do such a thing?
not me thats for sure. mine got my little brother pretty f*cked up in about 3 Hours but he normally drinks bourbon