Small Swap - 6 X Longnecks In Syd - Anyone Keen?

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sounds good pete ill see you there
it was good to meet everyone but i know i asked while we were there but my mind was numbed by the house hunting what was the 2 pet bottles one had a black lid the other had the white lid
it was good to meet everyone but i know i asked while we were there but my mind was numbed by the house hunting what was the 2 pet bottles one had a black lid the other had the white lid

Gidday Barls - great to meet everyone also, trust your house hunting wasn't painful, boring and fruitless! ;)

THe black topped PET is benhobbs' IPA, the whitecap PET is Insight's Ginger Beer (I thought it was another Strawberry Blonde - woops!).

Had your ginger beer last night - that'd be a great summer drop. I like mine a little more tart, I wonder if it's possible to grate more ginger into the primary to get a bit more bite?

Cheers - Mike
Hi Guys,

After getting home and letting the beer settle for 5 mins I decided to put Phrak's American Sweet Amber Ale in the fridge (the yeast had not stirred at all).

I liked this one a lot. Very clear, light amber. Smooth and easy to drink. I could knock a few of these back no problems. Probably not sweet enough to be true to style :) . I didnt find it overly sweet Phrak but I know what you are talking about. It would be spot on for my tastes with a bit more bitterness.

G'day Gulpa, cheers for the feedback! I'm glad you liked it :)

I completely understand what you're talking about re the sweetness. The beer has evolved (mutated? :blink: ) from what was originally planned - An American Pale Ale... But the unhopped Malt Extract was much darker than I expected, so it became an Amber Ale.. I was also playing around with different hop additions at different times, and didn't put quite enough bittering hop in, therefore the "sweetness".

If you're interested in the recipe and method, I'm happy to share :)

Sounds great - I'll wack it in the fridge now for later on this morning... :ph34r:
I've got PetesBrew's Raspberry Blonde in the fridge overnight... The missus is also keen to try this one! :)
it was good to meet everyone but i know i asked while we were there but my mind was numbed by the house hunting what was the 2 pet bottles one had a black lid the other had the white lid

Gidday Barls - great to meet everyone also, trust your house hunting wasn't painful, boring and fruitless! ;)

THe black topped PET is benhobbs' IPA, the whitecap PET is Insight's Ginger Beer (I thought it was another Strawberry Blonde - woops!).

Had your ginger beer last night - that'd be a great summer drop. I like mine a little more tart, I wonder if it's possible to grate more ginger into the primary to get a bit more bite?

Cheers - Mike
cheers mate ive got a mind like a sieve most of the time
im glad you liked it ill be trying some tonight and then again next week when i get back
Hi guys, it was great meeting up yesterday and being able to put some faces to names.
Soon as I got home all the beer was in the fridge ready for tasting a.s.a.p. At the moment I'm tasting Barls' Vanilla Bean Amber Ale, and I must say, it's a good drop, not too overpowering with the vanilla, good head (the beer!), nice carbonation etc etc... Barls, good work mate! :super:

cheers mate im glad you like it i can find the recipe if you would like. im drinking tigers winter warmer at the moment and am really enjoying it, its very well balanced in the hops and not too sweet.
If you can please mate, it would be greatly appreciated! Just sittng back now and contemplating on what to try next... Might have a crack at Gulpas' Porter, or his Scottish Ale or Thommos' Cali Common (the list goes on and on)

ok here goes a morgans royal oak amber ale, a kilo of morgans masterblend lager malt and the 500g of the vanilla bean honey i found at myers at christmas, but you could substitute with 500g of a light honey like clover or whitebox with 2 vanilla beans and i did it with the kit ale yeast.
the gf is drinking insights ginger beer and said its what mine use to be like before i added the honey
OK, thanks Barls... I think I might have to do a ginger beer soon so it's ready for the warmer seasons, something that the girls might fancy hopefully!

Well the kids are nearly asleep (long day, but the little one is holding out!!), I'm about to pop a couple of pizzas into the Weber - there's a Scottish Ale and a Steam beer chilling nicely in the fridge.

Can't wait till peace comes over the household and I can relax with a brew.

Cheers - Mike
I can vouch for Thommos' steam beer... Had it the other week, very lemony nose and a great drop... Enjoy!

I cracked Pete's Blonde Raspberry Tart Fuel for lunch today :ph34r: Gave myself a pint, and the rest to my non-beer-drinking wife. Pete, this is a fantastic beer! Forget about telling people to use a tea-strainer, I reackon the berry lumps add character! :beerbang:
It was nice and smooth to drink. The colour (pink) made my wife think she was going to be tasting a fruity chick's drink rather than a beer, but she loved it still - and that's saying something! :)
There wasn't much hop aroma, but the raspberry's took care of that. I think I tasted just a smidgeon of Pride of Ringwood hops for bittering. I reckon next time mate, maybe chuck some Amarillo in as flavouring hops to complement the berries and go harder on the raspberries - They were the best part!

This beer is definitely a great summer party beer, and definitely one I think I'll brew. Pete, what's your recipe?

Two thumbs up.
also drinking Pete's Blonde Raspberry Tart Fuel its not bad but the raspberry is a little overpowering
I cracked Pete's Blonde Raspberry Tart Fuel for lunch today :ph34r: Gave myself a pint, and the rest to my non-beer-drinking wife. Pete, this is a fantastic beer! Forget about telling people to use a tea-strainer, I reackon the berry lumps add character! :beerbang:
It was nice and smooth to drink. The colour (pink) made my wife think she was going to be tasting a fruity chick's drink rather than a beer, but she loved it still - and that's saying something! :)
There wasn't much hop aroma, but the raspberry's took care of that. I think I tasted just a smidgeon of Pride of Ringwood hops for bittering. I reckon next time mate, maybe chuck some Amarillo in as flavouring hops to complement the berries and go harder on the raspberries - They were the best part!

This beer is definitely a great summer party beer, and definitely one I think I'll brew. Pete, what's your recipe?

Two thumbs up.

Haha Thanks Phrak,
Here's the recipe free to buggerise round with and improve.
I may do this again next year, but with mulberries (my mum's got a tree, so it'll be sh1tloads cheaper)

Coopers Canadian Blonde (& included yeast)
1kg Bodybrew or brew enhancer - not sure what I used, sorry.
20g cascade hops - completely stuffed up the measurements in the end
800g raspberries in primary
then 500g raspberries in secondary
LOTS of comments to put the berries in the secondary.

I have a bit of a problem remembering everyone's beers.
I took them all from the bottom swap, and 1 from the top.
Got the following: Barls' Vanilla bean amber ale, Gulpa's porter, Tommo's steam beer, MVZOOM's Lovely lager and an APA, and PA. Any hands up who's was who's?

Barls, the ginger beer was a great one! Wish I took one of your rapsberry blondes to compare too. The wheat one you're starting sounds good.
I had the APA last night. Poured expecting pale, but got dark amber! Still I'm not complaining, as it was bloody sensational. Nice toffee flavours. It was a shame to finish the bottle.

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