slow boil?

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ridge runner

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ok my urn is out of action for a while. used a 20lt pot on the stove top after mashing in oven set to 60deg. (after getting water to temp)
now my temp is reading 100deg but the wort looks like its just simmering? is this normal anyone else had this happen? boiling 13ltr of wort in pot.
Simmering isn't really good enough. You can put a lid or tin foil partly over the pot to help it boil better. You should still get enough boil off to get rid of SMM etc. (assuming it's an ale and doesn't have heaps of pilsner malt in it).
whats more important the temp or wort movement? but cool putting lid part of see if it helps.cheers.
boil picked up abit but not sure about the drips coming of the lid and going into the pot?
It's better if you can set it up so that the drips don't fall back in, but it's probably not that big a deal.
gillie said:
boil picked up abit but not sure about the drips coming of the lid and going into the pot?
That's DMS dripping into your pot right there
DMS boiling point is 37°C. So the drips falling back in should not contain too much DMS; unless your lid is below 40°C.

Just quoting theory however, so anecdotal evidence might be better to go with.

A little foil container, like the ones you use to catch fat in your BBQ works if you float it on the surface of the wort. The steam escapes, surface area is reduced, boil is enhanced.
Depends on your malt. If it's an ale malt you shouldn't have too much risk of DMS. Some maltsters like Bairds actually have DMS brands for brewers looking to include a bit of popcorn in their brews. Like Diacetyl it's a good guy bad guy thing depending on the style you are brewing.

Some breweries boil under pressure in closed containers, but according to Handbook of Brewing they boil briefly at atmospheric to get rid of undesirable compounds, then apply the pressure. So I guess with the DMS it's all over in the first bit of the boil.
thanks for reply's everyone used large wood spoon under lid to let steam out seemed to work well.

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