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Hi all,
So I'm still pretty green when it comes to brewing and so far all I brew are partials, However - I want to make that all important leap to AG ASAP!!!

I've decided on a false bottom design for a future Lauter Tun but with a myriad of designs and suggestions out there for these I am confused - not to mention that I just cant find any that are inexpensive!!

So then - please post your false bottoms!!! (working or still on the drawing board) and let me know what can be improved or why its so good etc... Oh, and if possible how much it cost to put together.

Cheers! :icon_cheers:
One more thing... I read somewhere that certain coolers have pre-made false bottoms from the factory??!! Anyone seen any of those?
One more thing... I read somewhere that certain coolers have pre-made false bottoms from the factory??!! Anyone seen any of those?

Not much response there rodders but be patient. Ive just made one myself but like you I have no experiance I have however seen them made from a upturned stainless steel bowl, a std kitchen type. Youll have to do a bit of drilling but its cheap enough to have a go, only a few dollars.
Another alternative would be to use a bag as BIAB style, untill finances allow a purchase of a falsie.
My attempt is under mash tun, below. Not proven as yet however. Good luck.

Plenty of info on false bottoms.

Start here -


Or just search "false bottom".

You'll soon get sick of reading. :)

I don't have a false bottom - I use a stainless steel braid as a manfold. It was cheap to build and has served me for 4 AG batches now... I batch sparge - I think false bottoms are more important if you're planning to fly sparge.


We use the same one as DJ1984

Worth the cost, and hasn't blocked once.

Just need to find appropriate attachments to the mash tun and tap.

Do ya self a favour and buy a False bottom either a beer belly for a esky or a 12 inch round thats what I have,I would pay double the price if I had too, They are that good.
linky to a previous thread
I've got my false bottoms from Ross at craftbrewer in the end.
The ESB guys made a custom copy for my esky but it leaked grain and stuck sparges like hell.

Get a one that suites you mash tun.
Beerbelly makes rectangular once for regular esky.
The circular ones are better for higher circular mash tun and you can achieve better slower lautering.
Read and have look in the linky and you WILL find one t6hat suit your needs.

Trust me I am a used car salesman
only kidding :p
i made a manifold with ridged copper pipe that i cut lots of slots in with a band saw. works great :)
We use the same one as DJ1984

Worth the cost, and hasn't blocked once.

Just need to find appropriate attachments to the mash tun and tap.


I use the BB falise as well...don't know what a stuck sparge is...

Hey Rodders, I initially used an old rectangular esky with braid and found that i would get stuck sparges every time with wheat beers. I have since upgraded to a "Keep Cold" round cooler from BCF (would much prefer a rubbermaid $) and I got a 9 inch round false bottom from craftbrewer. I had a base plate made up for the false bottom because the cooler didn't have an entirley even surface and may suffer from channeling if the FB didn't sit properly. Haven't had a stuck sparge since :D . See pics.

Note, the base plate is 2mm thick and the threaded portion is attached via two countersunk fasteners, the portion of the copper pipe which slides into thread has a notch cut out of it (cut off in photo) so that if the pipe cannot slide down and cut off flow.(All stainless)




120L esky w/ BB Falsie - works like a dream

Wowza, thats pretty big! What size batches do you do fents?

80 Litre batch's mate. Can max it out to 95L's tho but thats prett scary boiling 110L in a 120L kettle.

usually do a brew day with a mate and split the wort or if im on my own i just fill 3 x 30L fermenters. means i only have to brew once a fortnight or once every three weeks.
Hey Rodders,

A great option is the copper manifold, depending on design will dictate price... Eski purchase will decide it.

Mine was about $80-90 but serves a 100L tun.

Read up here - and go from there!

Hope it helps..


View attachment 31297

View attachment 31298

Wouldnt it be better to have the holes/slots facing down so the weight of the grainbed isnt pushing into them. My brain seems to think there would be slightly less pressure under the pipe than on top as the weight directly above would be shielded/diflected by the pipe.
Wouldnt it be better to have the holes/slots facing down so the weight of the grainbed isnt pushing into them. My brain seems to think there would be slightly less pressure under the pipe than on top as the weight directly above would be shielded/diflected by the pipe.

They do mate...

The first photo is to show the slots, second pic is it fitted - NB: They are down...

mines some scrap circular stainless mesh. nice and simple. jam it down and sweet FA gets through. then pull it out (with a bit of effort) to clean it and the tun afterwards. no pics. must load some up

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