Sod off, I'm a loud and proud beer evangelist. I love encouraging people to try new things, grow and broaden their horizons. How awful would this place be if everyone sat around spouting crap like "VB is a good beer, you should brew beer like that". It would stagnate, nothing interesting would happen, and the forum would die.
But instead people here have the passion to innovate, explore and create, all traits which should be embraced. This is the main reason why I keep coming back here, even if I don't post too often these days.
But a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Recently I was at a wedding, with a friend of mine who is a serious wine collector. I have been introducing him to beers, and he has been reciprocating with wine.
He went up to the bar, muttered that the wine list was shite, and grabbed a crownie
I went up to the bar, muttered that the beer list was equally shite, and grabbed a glass of red.
Back at the table we tasted our respective beverages, frowned, and simultaneously blamed each other for spoiling our tastebuds.
And now we are educating our palates with whiskies, brandies and other spirits. Pretty soon there won't be anything left we can't turn our nose up at
And i wouldn't have it any other way.