mckenry said:
Necro alert.
There are a few other Swiss Lager at 19°C threads about, but chose this one to tack onto. Most though kind of fizzled out 2013/14
Is anyone still doing this? I'd like to know if its become a standard practice and what the results are.
Reason I ask is, I've been very impressed by the new(ish) range of dried yeasts available to us now. Pretty much enough that I'll go with dry for everything from now on, bar Hefe. Havent been impressed with dry wheat yeast yet, but thats getting O/T.
I used the MJ California lager at 19°C and it was a great Euro Lager knock off. MJ's promote this temp. range.
I'd like to try S-189 at ale temps. Fermentis states 9-22°C range, ideally 12-15°C.
Just thought I'd see if any brothers or sisters out there are doing this.
mckenry said:
I'm doing it! Having had success with MJ's California Lager at 19°C I want to see if Fermentis' S-189 can do it too. The MJ made a great Euro Lager clone at 19, but I couldn't get the same hops this time round, so its not a perfect comparison. I used Dr. Rudi to ~18IBU last time.
For the record and my lack of memory when I come back here to report...
83% JW Pils
12.5% Carapils
3% Acid
1.5% med crystal
Mashed in at 55 for 0
64 for 60
72 for 10
78 for 10
75min boil.
Magnum @60mins to ~20IBU
Pitched 4 packets (46g) rehydrated (half hour at 23°C) into 45L of 1.047 wort at 20.3°C.
Fridge set to 19°C and wort reached that within the hour.
Here's hoping....
One thing's for sure. I'm having a better 'good' Friday than Jesus was a couple of thousand years ago +/-
Well, I've done it. I can confirm from my sample pool of 1, that S-189 at 19°C gives a very Euro-Lager megaswill result.
I'm impressed. Maybe Mangrove Jacks Cali Lager was a fannyhair better, but, as above, might be the hops...
Either way, I'm happy that its acceptable, I'm not tipping 50L and the brewday wasnt wasted.
For the record.
1g/L pitch, hydrated. Pitched at 20, setpoint 19.
3 days at 19°C and all done.
yeast dump day 5.
Fridge set to 1.5°C for crash chill. Finings added.
5 days at 2°C (wouldnt go lower - and takes a day to get there for those doing the maths)
Filtered and kegged day 11.
Awesome if you're after a Euro knockoff. Very Heineken, Becks, Carlsberg kind of memories are flooding back.
11 days grain to brain for a lager? That'll do me.
Quick carb - been kegged 10 mins by the time these photos were taken.