Hi David,
I just had a look at the "Stainless Stuff". looks quite good. Is there any way to open it up to clean?
Also, is the element supplied a 120V or 240V element?
I'm looking to go the RIMS way soon.
Hey Al, It's a 240V element. I did a lot of research prior to going the stainless stuff option.
You have 3 options as far as I know other than buying one off the shelf from Keg King.
1. There is a
Tri Clover version from the US, $110 plust postage and element. The element is a 1 inch screw in jobby but in the US format NPS. All the screw in elements here I found are BSP, but I didn't look that hard. If you do find one I would guess it would be expensive.
The tri clover looks much easier to clean as it comes apart completely.
2. Make one up yourself with T pieces, threded pipe etc. Crusty kindly gave me the specs for his. I priced it up and worked out to be more expensive than the stainless stuff option. Plus more mucking about assembling.
3. Stainless stuff
option, Cheapest. Comes with a 1 inch 2400w BSP element. As far as cleaning goes I have only used mine twice so have just been rinsing with water but I will run PBW through it next use. Given there is a hole in the top and bottom of the tube there is no problem getting a brush in there either.
One thing i don't like about this tube is the earth lug for the element is exposed on the bottom of the tube. It is not able to be covered by the round junction box I have used to cover the live terminals. At work so I will post a pic when I get home.