RIMS - do we think it's something it's not meant to be?

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Camo6 said:
Since your heat additions are not infused via recirculation I'm not so sure that's the most accurate description.

How bout 'Separately Producing Energy for Recirculating Mash System'. But that's a real mouthful. An acronym would be necessary.
Geez... a bit too much info right there :blink:
Cocko said:
If a rims tube was heated externally, it would be a herms... yeah?

EDIT: Or do you mean, still an internal, direct wort heat application where the source or the element s heat is external?

where I work we heat water in a pipe using mirrors to produce steam which turns a turbine(It dosen't work very good) So if a pipe has wort flowing through it and mirrors are heating the pipe and in turn the wort so yes it is an exchange of heat. the heat exchanger could be a tube in a tube with the centre tube being heated by a gas flame, steam, water or electricity.
So a RIMS doesn't heat just recirculates I had never thought about it until I started to read Kunze.
booargy said:
where I work we heat water in a pipe using mirrors to produce steam which turns a turbine(It dosen't work very good) So if a pipe has wort flowing through it and mirrors are heating the pipe and in turn the wort so yes it is an exchange of heat. the heat exchanger could be a tube in a tube with the centre tube being heated by a gas flame, steam, water or electricity.
So a RIMS doesn't heat just recirculates I had never thought about it until I started to read Kunze.

So, point being, RIMS heats the wort by direct contact with a heating element - be it heated by 'whatever' = the wort is flowing around the direct source.

HERMS, the wort is being run through something that is heated externally, equaling a heat 'exchange' - So a coil in heated water or a like...

Well, thats how I see it. May be way off, I am sure some BIAB rig that pumps through a beer can that is in a chicken that is in an oven will probably be the next big thing...

18 shilling.
:) Iam planning a brew rig using steam for heat distribution too. I am just going to wrap heating pipes around the all vessels. Use same pipe for cooling kettle. Not very efficient I know, but easy to clean. Cooling water will be collected and used for cleaning up. Water chiller used for fermentation, will be used to cool last 20deg or so. Also gonna have a mash stirrer.
booargy said:
This is interesting because I am planning a new kettle and I am thinking of using an external heating source and hop addition chambers
Screenshot from 2014-04-28 22:22:33.png
Screenshot from 2014-04-28 22:23:36.png
booargy said:
so RIMS is recirculating with heat input from an infusion. HERMS is recirculating with a heat input from a heat exchanger.
You're so close it's not funny..

The mash itself IS the infusion.

In the case of single-step mashes, the recirculation merely recirculates, giving even temperatures within the mash/grain bed. In essence, the heat source is only to achieve steps in temperature (or maintain temperature stability) during the desired mash regime. This can be achieved by adding extra hot water (a-la the OP's system), or via a H/X (HERMS) or passing/pumping the wort through a tube that contains an element, or directly firing the mash tun (classic RIMS).

All of these systems involve recirculation & they all involve infusion. It's just the way heat is applied (& why) that makes the difference.
Camo6 said:
How bout 'Separately Producing Energy for Recirculating Mash System'. But that's a real mouthful. An acronym would be necessary.
Would hate to have a mouthful of that acronym... :icon_vomit:
I always thought both RIMS and HERMS were infusion systems (what's infused is the recirculated wort), and that the "I" was left out of "HERMS" so it wouldn't sound like we all had gaggles of concubines in our brewhouses.

I did steps using steam infusion for years -- no recirculation, just a pressure cooker and copper manifold, and the steam adds negligible volume. But it was very hard to get uniform warming. I reckon any flavor of xRxMS is better.
I thought a RIMS setup just gave you a good feeling while you brewed. Damn
It does if you dont have a Recirculating Infusion Mash System.
Camo6 said:
Since your heat additions are not infused via recirculation I'm not so sure that's the most accurate description.

How bout 'Separately Producing Energy for Recirculating Mash System'. But that's a real mouthful. An acronym would be necessary.
But they are... the heat is from the hot water via the recirc line. I can recirc whenever I want and the heat comes from infusions. :)

Maybe what people accept as RIMS should actually be Recirculating Immersion Heating Mash System, or RIHMS. Sounds the same but it shows that you have an Immersion Heater there.

In industry, Heat Exchangers (one stream heating, one stream cooling) are tagged HX, e.g. HX-2404. Electric heaters are tagged HE-2404 (trust me, I'm an engineer). Using this logic, it should be HXRMS unless you use an electric heater - in which case it should be HERMS. Mind blown?

So I'll call my system RIMS (doesn't say anything about heating in RIMS) but let others call their systems RIHMS. :D

Last chance to join the cult for only $5 before the price goes up...
DJ_L3ThAL said:
Ill drink the cool aid
Yeah - it's a lot more refreshing and gives you less of a headache than trying to describe your Huckksxarrrms system to someone...
RIMS is what it is, heating the wort in a recirculating systems via an element which is in direct contact with the wort. You can read whatever you want into the acronym.
TheWiggman said:
Look at the acronym - R = recirculating.
I reckon that bloke made a good point.

Circulate - to move in a circle or circuit; move or pass through a circuit back to the starting point.
(we are being pedantic after all)
QldKev said:
RIMS is what it is, heating the wort in a recirculating systems via an element which is in direct contact with the wort. You can read whatever you want into the acronym.
Boo. :( Maybe you can start selling new, high-performance RIHMS tubes? 20% better beer than standard RIMS tubes?

Other than getting my $5 from cult signups, my points of raising all this are in post #9:
- My setup is an obvious step change from just pouring hot water on top of the grain: it is a Recirculating Infusion Mash System, and provides measurable advantages on top of just pouring hot water in
- It's pretty simple to add this stuff on, it does provide several advantages (if you're into that sort of thing) and people shouldn't be scared of RIMS as much as they may be intimidated by HERMS or HKSKXKSHRMS
- Just because an American article writer on #YO says something doesn't necessarily mean it's true. Likewise, just because a process engineer says something about an acronym doesn't mean it's true...
Adr_0 said:
it is a Recirculating Infusion Mash System, and provides measurable advantages on top of just pouring hot water in
But does it recirculate? I thought it only transferred liquid from one vessel to another? Sounds like an IMS to me. Or an AdrIMS.
Camo6 said:
Since your heat additions are not infused via recirculation I'm not so sure that's the most accurate description.

How bout 'Separately Producing Energy for Recirculating Mash System'. But that's a real mouthful. An acronym would be necessary.
Wow - I can't believe I only just saw that. If you have a Separately Producing Energy for Recirculating Mash System, make sure you are Recirculating the Infusion Mash Mostly Into the Next Grainbed while you have a mouthful of both acronyms...

TheWiggman said:
Not trolling, though reading the above quote you might be convinced otherwise...

Seriously, my points are in post #9 and post #36. At the end of the day I'm happy with my setup - I will probably move to HERMS or RIHMS at some point - and hope that Still waiting on the $10 cult signup fees from everyone though...


This isn't in operation but it's set up about to be. There is a line from the HLT (left) down to the LBP (bottom middle right) which then gets fed to the top of the mash tun. There is also a drain line from the mash tun (yellow valve) which feeds into the LBP. With this I do infusion step mashes but can also recirculate automatically.

If you're wondering about the lack of valves, I have a simple voltage regulator setup giving variable speed on the LBP.
Adr_0 said:
Wow - I can't believe I only just saw that. If you have a Separately Producing Energy for Recirculating Mash System, make sure you are Recirculating the Infusion Mash Mostly Into the Next Grainbed while you have a mouthful of both acronyms...

Not trolling, though reading the above quote you might be convinced otherwise...

Seriously, my points are in post #9 and post #36. At the end of the day I'm happy with my setup - I will probably move to HERMS or RIHMS at some point - and hope that Still waiting on the $10 cult signup fees from everyone though...


This isn't in operation but it's set up about to be. There is a line from the HLT (left) down to the LBP (bottom middle right) which then gets fed to the top of the mash tun. There is also a drain line from the mash tun (yellow valve) which feeds into the LBP. With this I do infusion step mashes but can also recirculate automatically.

If you're wondering about the lack of valves, I have a simple voltage regulator setup giving variable speed on the LBP.
Who needs a BBQ anyway :)