Wow - I can't believe I only just saw that. If you have a Separately Producing Energy for Recirculating Mash System, make sure you are Recirculating the Infusion Mash Mostly Into the Next Grainbed while you have a mouthful of both acronyms...
Not trolling, though reading the above quote you might be convinced otherwise...
Seriously, my points are in post #9 and post #36. At the end of the day I'm happy with my setup - I will probably move to HERMS or RIHMS at some point - and hope that Still waiting on the $10 cult signup fees from everyone though...
This isn't in operation but it's set up about to be. There is a line from the HLT (left) down to the LBP (bottom middle right) which then gets fed to the top of the mash tun. There is also a drain line from the mash tun (yellow valve) which feeds into the LBP. With this I do infusion step mashes but can also recirculate automatically.
If you're wondering about the lack of valves, I have a simple voltage regulator setup giving variable speed on the LBP.