wereprawn said:
Being married. **** women "need" a lot of ****. Clothes, lotions and potions. Told her that i was more interested her functionality than aesthetic qualities. That went down well :huh: .
Glad my fiancée doesn't need much of that gear. She smells and looks good to me without it.
As for all that "****", that's what the beer's for.
Mattress said:
I have however found the perfect solution to keeping a teenage daughter under control and away from teenage boys.
My daughter has been interested in her schooling since a young age, and is now an engineering student. I know he'll be interested in boys (or girls, I assume) sooner or later, AND I know that engineers love, LOVE, LOOOVE beer, so I'm getting prepared.
jaypes said:
Did you tell her that you would miss her?
Big assumption, missing the girl. Maybe he would tell her not to let the door hit her on the @rse on the way out?
When my ex moved out, I was more than happy to help move her junk (or at least a lot of it) to the new premises. Reminds me of the joke about why is a woman like a hurricane?
A: When they arrive, it's a whirlwind of wet and wild action, and when they're finished your car and house are gone.
HA. Almost forgot to say why I'm broke. Crazy electricity prices and too many fridges, council rates and too little services provided. Insurances costs due to flooding - council again. Plus too many opportunities to buy valuable stainless steel brewery items lately. oh...and the ex needed to be financed out of my life. Somehow she still thinks she has relevant input, even though she has a new bloke and is about 1000km away from my house and brewery. Not bitter, just facts.